Every day my inbox is packed with articles about the latest and greatest in SEO, social marketing trends, seminars announcements, new book promotions and tons of information about web communications, marketing and development. In just over a year’s time I have gone from knowing next to nothing about any of this stuff to knowing plenty. […]
Archives for March 2008
The Expert’s New Clothes
I was trying to explain something to my daughter in terms of the classic tale “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” Having not read it in many a year, I was improvising, telling her it’s a story about an Emperor who’s not wearing any clothes but announces that he’s wearing some really fancy suit or something. Everyone […]
Why Blog?
I’m not going to let this article shatter my “write about nothing and eventually it will magically result in some kind of money-making windfall” theory. Minutes after I read that article, this showed up in my inbox (I subscribe to David Meerman Scott’s blog, Webinknow). Just as I wrote about Mimi Smartypants in my personal […]