Those of you who frequent this blog know I’m obsessed with social media salaries–I post about the lack of social media salary and title data quite frequently. So you know I jumped at the chance to participate in Forum One Network’s Online Community & Social Media Compensation survey for 2009 because by doing so I […]
Archives for October 2009
Report Finds Most DC-based Associations Still Cautious Towards Social Media
I just read about a new report called “Social Media and Advocacy Analysis 2009: Social media and advocacy tools employed by America’s leading trade associations, pressure groups and cause organizations,” prepared by Marc Ross, Christine Stineman, and Chris Lisi of 2ndSix, Tribe Effect and Chris Lisi Communications. The report is a little confusing to me; […]
Forget Twentysomethings; Let Carol Brady Teach You Social Media
I thought I’d gotten it out of my system–my weariness about constantly reading/hearing about how “young” people are the only ones who can inherently “get” social media because they’ve grown up with it….but like a pesky stomach bug that seems to go away only to return with a vengeance, I had to stumble on this […]
Social Media Ageism Rant
I’ll start this post off by acknowledging that it’s admittedly probably half-baked because this issue is a hot button one for me. That issue being the perpetuation that social media careers are for “young” people. I was thinking I just had a chip on my shoulder–what with me being 41 and a social media professional–but […]
From Rogue Member to Board Member…Reform At DMA
I meant to blog about this last week when I first read about it but never got around to it. Sometimes procrastination has its virtues, however–now you get not only the set-up but also the resolution… Every month I look forward to receiving Associations Now, for one main reason: Lisa Junker’s fictional case studies. I’m […]
Infidelity 2.0 Redux
Guy Kawasaki just tweeted this: And all I could think was “I called that!” According to this article, there has been an “astronomical increase” in Internet-related affairs over the past 3 years. Did I not blog my prediction of this back in March? Between this and the fact that I had a psychic feeling that […]
Why I Went With a MacBook Instead of a Netbook
Ok, well, truth be told, the real reason is that the decision was made for me when my husband–henceforth to be known as BEST HUSBAND IN THE UNIVERSE–arrived home last week with a big box for me. Inside? A shiny new MacBook. We’d been hemming and hawing about this purchase for a long, long time. […]
All That is Wrong With Social Media: House Party
I guess it goes without saying that by writing this post I’m probably killing my chances of being given the privilege of ever hosting a House Party. But I just can’t hold my tongue so here goes. Last week a friend posted a link to a video on Facebook, asking whether we all thought it […]
How Will SideWiki Affect Your Association?
Still thinking social media is just a fad you’re going to ride out? Still thinking you don’t have the staff resources to bother with monitoring what’s being said about your organization–let alone attempt to facilitate that conversation on your own turf? Guess you better think again now that Google SideWiki is in the picture. At […]