All week, I’ve been struggling with this post, as I’ve tried to think of how to convey the importance and sadness of the message…and the result has been that I’ve written nothing. Which is not ok, because I would not be able to forgive myself if I let this week pass without doing my part to raise awareness and, hopefully, funds, for Team Jacob.
What am I blabbering about? This week is National Suicide Prevention Week, a week that’s close to our hearts this year, as just weeks ago my friend Anne’s beautiful 17 year-old son, Jacob, succumbed to depression and took his life. I can’t do this post justice so instead, I’ll just link to a few posts that describe my feelings and Jacob much more eloquently than I’m able to. Please take the time to read them…and get out the tissues before you do.
- How You Can Save a Life. Today.
- Suicide Prevention and Depression: Join Team Jacob
- Off Topic: Help Team Jacob in IMAlive Suicide Prevention Fundraiser
- Suicide’s (Not) an Alternative: Death Stays With the Living
- Remembering Jacob Weiskopf – A Personal Post for National Suicide Prevention Week
- Send Them an Angel: IMAlive & Suicide Prevention
There’s only one day left to donate to the Kristin Brooks Hope Center’s IMAlive crisis support program that helps those who are dealing with suicidal thoughts and feelings. If the “24-7 Giving Challenge” meets its $50,000 goal, the IMAlive chat service will be available 24 hours per day until August 2014. Team Jacob is already at $4,504–but that’s not even half-way to the goal of $10,000 in support of this effort. Please, please consider donating to this effort…in memory of Jacob and in hopes that others contemplating suicide might be helped by the IMAlive initiative.
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