I admit when I saw Microsoft’s “Scroogled” store, I thought it was kind of funny. But their new Scroogled campaign against the Chromebook? Just no. As I’ve blogged before, I love my Chromebook. It’s tiny (if a bit too tiny for aging eyes…sigh), it’s light, it’s cheap, and it can do 99% of what I need a laptop to do. Sorry, Microsoft, but just….no to your assertion that the Chromebook is worthless.
If Microsoft wants to talk about a product that sucks, they should be talking about SharePoint, IMO. In fact, I think Google could do an awesome retaliatory campaign called “SharePointed,” in which they point out how their expensive, complicated, user-ridiculous SharePoint is a money pit and headed for obsoletion. At least with a Chromebook you’re only out $250 if it ends up not meeting your needs; SharePoint, though? Not so much. In the case of my friend Andy’s experience implementing SharePoint for his org, the cost they ended up eating ended up being $250 THOUSAND.
As the computing world moves more and more towards the cloud, SharePoint is destined for obsoletion in its current form. Which will end up meaning that the millions of orgs who have spent literally millions customizing SharePoint are SOL. And as for the privacy thing that Microsoft is so gleefully throwing Google under the bus over? Are they forgetting their own privacy issues? Like, for instance, their own former privacy advisor, telling the world that he doesn’t trust Microsoft’s software security? Were they not themselves willing participants in Prism too? And that Xbox One you’re planning on getting for Christmas–did you know it can spy on you?
So Scroogle away, Microsoft–I’m personally more ok with a cheap laptop for browsing the internet and ads targeted to the content of my email than my gaming console tracking my eye movements and the custom, on-premise CMS in which I’ve invested a million dollars becoming obsolete within the next few years.
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