It’s Friday night and I REALLY should be doing something other than blogging…but I happened to leaf through the Association Buyers’ Guide (can’t link to it b/c it’s not online yet–if it’s posted I’ll come back and update with link) to an article called “WatsNxt4Tech?” According to the article “Today’s top trend in association technology? […]
Snocial Media, #UnTech10 and Social Media Salaries (Yes, Again)
It’s been a long week. TWO blizzards, a 48-hour power outage at my house, kids out of school all week–and my husband’s been out of town the whole time. The positives? Shoveling snow is a good workout. Lots of time spent with the kids–AND they did most of the shoveling after the second storm. And […]
What if associations required every staffer to work at ANOTHER association for 3 days?
Ok, I’ve procrastinated long enough: time to get my head together and try to add to the incredible discussions initiated by Acronym’s Big Ideas Series. I won’t even try to link to all the posts from here because I’ll inevitably leave some out; Acronym is doing a great job of keeping track of the posts […]
Report Finds Most DC-based Associations Still Cautious Towards Social Media
I just read about a new report called “Social Media and Advocacy Analysis 2009: Social media and advocacy tools employed by America’s leading trade associations, pressure groups and cause organizations,” prepared by Marc Ross, Christine Stineman, and Chris Lisi of 2ndSix, Tribe Effect and Chris Lisi Communications. The report is a little confusing to me; […]
How Will SideWiki Affect Your Association?
Still thinking social media is just a fad you’re going to ride out? Still thinking you don’t have the staff resources to bother with monitoring what’s being said about your organization–let alone attempt to facilitate that conversation on your own turf? Guess you better think again now that Google SideWiki is in the picture. At […]
Is Your Association “Too Bureaucratic and Less Relevant in the Internet Age”?
A few days ago there was a front page article in the Washington Post about Fairfax County schools dropping out of the PTA. I happened to skim it and realized that it was really relevant to associations on the whole. The article is focused on the PTA, obviously, but the story really reads as a […]
How Much Do YOU Make As A Social Media Professional?
I seem to be getting an increasing amount of traffic through people searching for information about social media salaries. Not at all surprising because there is precious little information out there about social media salaries. As I’ve blogged before, social media jobs in general are an enigma…titles are all over the place, from VP Digital […]
Reflections on Virtual Attendance And New Revenue Streams
(Thanks to Jeff De Cagna of Principled Innovation for the ribbon) Anyone who reads this blog knows I’m obsessed with social media–I blog about it, use it constantly, even get paid to do it for a living. So of course I’m using it to stay on top of what’s going on at ASAE’s annual meeting […]
Forrester Says Advertising Is Changing Forever. What Are Associations Doing to Keep Up?
I was in a meeting this morning about how the reason non-dues revenue is down is because members are posting jobs on Linkedin and Facebook. The answer, naturally, is forbidding “free” advertising on Facebook and Linkedin. If they can’t post it for free then they will pay us to post it. Right? Don’t we all […]
State of the Association Social Media Job-o-sphere
There was a great post on the other day about social media jobs–how they are cropping up, but slowly. The article reveals that Forrester Research recently estimated social media marketing budgets will increase by more than 30 percent each year for the next five years, putting spending on pace to reach $3 billion by […]