Here are some links to recent articles around the topic of social media and CEOs:
- Altimeter Group report: The Evolution of Social Business–Six Stages of Social Business Transformation
- The Community Roundtable: The Social Executive Study
- Report: What CEOs Think of Social Media
- CEOs on Social Media: Do As I Say, Not As I Do
- 2012 Brandfog CEO, Social Media and Leadership Survey
- IBM CEO Social Media Survey
- Your C-Level Needs to Know that Social Media Tools on their Own May Be Bad for Business
- CEOs on Social Media Infographic
- Why Your CEOs Social Habits are a Big Deal
- Social CEOs Drive Company Visibility
- Six Social Media Skills Every Leader Needs
- Social CEOs: Scott Becker, Association of Public Health Laboratories
- CEOs Passive/Aggressive Approach to Social Media
- There’s More to Social Than Communications
- Infographic: What do Today’s CEOs Think of Social Media?
- Study: Social Media Use Among Directors and Senior Managers
- The 2013 CMO’s Guide to The Social Media Landscape
- 30% of the Top Brands Are Investing in Customer Service on Twitter
- C-Suite Participation Does Not a Social Business Make
- Guidance: NLRB and Social Media
- Is Your Social Media Policy Useless?
- Humanize: How People-Centric Organizations Succeed in a Social World