I’m always reading about employees being fired for stuff they say online or how you have to watch what you say if you want to keep your job or find a new one. But until today I’d never realized that it’s actually employers who may have to watch how they react to things their employees […]
Search Results for: facebook hate
How Much Do YOU Make As A Social Media Professional?
I seem to be getting an increasing amount of traffic through people searching for information about social media salaries. Not at all surprising because there is precious little information out there about social media salaries. As I’ve blogged before, social media jobs in general are an enigma…titles are all over the place, from VP Digital […]
Social Media Foot-Draggers: It’s Time to Get Over It
Social media holdouts are triumphantly circulating Nielsen Online’s recent report that more than 60% of new Twitter users stop using the service within a month. I can just see them waiting to stick the fork in Twitter and all the other social media tools with a final “I told you so,” putting the whole issue […]
Bootleg* Volunteerism
(*bootleg in the urban dictionary sense; e.g. lame or lazy) Maddie Grant tagged me to answer the question posed by Peggy Hoffman’s volunteerism meme: “How can we create volunteer jobs that don’t require being on a committee, a long-term commitment or gobs of time? So, share five short-term, ad-hoc volunteer jobs you’d love to have.” […]
Social Media for Old People
I remember being 16 (um, I mean 21) going to shows in DC and smirking at the “old” people lurking like they had any business hanging with a bunch of teenagers. How pathetic, my friends and I would say—don’t they realize they are OLD and don’t belong here? It just seemed so depressing that they […]