There’s lots of excitement in the air if you’re me–cool new tools, ongoing blogger drama and an awesome conference coming up: Google Wave–basically “a new tool for communication and collaboration on the web” that apparently originated from the question ““What might e-mail look like if it were invented today?” I’m having trouble wrapping my head […]
Archives for May 2009
Why “Sponsored Posts” and “Authenticity” Don’t Mix
Here’s the thing about sponsored posts: they are NOT authentic. Marketers think that they’ve discovered the way to customers’ hearts and wallets through what Chris Brogan calls the “Everyman.” That is, instead of paying actors and copywriters and buying TV spots or print ads, all you have to do is put your product in the […]
Mommy Blogger Drama
I posted this in my other blog (the one where I can use the “F” word and talk about stuff other than social media) but figured I may as well save myself some time this holiday weekend and make it do double-duty over here. Fear not: no use of the “F” word in this particular […]
Who You Calling A Nobody?
Today was my daughter’s 13th birthday so I let her skip school and took her to the mall. While I was stranded in the hell that is Hollister/Abercrombie/Pac Sun/Aeropostale (e.g. loud music and lots of perfume in the air) I was thankfully able to entertain myself with my iPhone. And, naturally, Twitter. The Washington Post […]
Bloggers Who Heart Jurassic Park
I admit it–I’m obsessed with the movie Jurrassic Park. I’m loving that I’m not the only one who has managed to weave it into a blog post recently: My post about Groundswell and Jurrassic Park Maddie Grant’s post, Cluetrain-Plus-Ten: On Social Media Policies Scott Brinker’s post about marketing automation and Jurassic Park Hey–does this qualify […]
Where’s The Line Between Blogging and Splogging?
First go read/watch this “review” then come back here. Now, what was that–Chris Brogan and his daughter having a spontaneous love-fest about a $329 messenger bag or Chris Brogan doing a paid endorsement for the bag? While he does offer a “very special thanks” to someone for “connecting” him with the company that makes the […]
Is Social Media A Good Career Choice If You’re Old?
As far as I’m concerned, there are four–not two–absolutes in life: death, taxes, looks matter and age matters. Ok, so maybe looks are not exactly on par with death, but it’s a scientific fact that the better looking you are, the more successful you’ll be in life. I will spare you (and me) the drudgery […]
Social Media Foot-Draggers: It’s Time to Get Over It
Social media holdouts are triumphantly circulating Nielsen Online’s recent report that more than 60% of new Twitter users stop using the service within a month. I can just see them waiting to stick the fork in Twitter and all the other social media tools with a final “I told you so,” putting the whole issue […]
The Power of..Huh?
Recently I received an email from ASAE’s president and CEO about a new campaign, The Power of A. It said something about how they were getting ready to roll out this new campaign to highlight “the many ways in which national trade and professional groups assist U.S. employers, legislators, workers and the public at large […]