Now that I’m re-addicted to Twitter–for better or for worse–I started noticing that even though I follow a lot of people, I never happen to see any tweets from them unless I search. It occurred to me to check my settings, vaguely recalling they’ve changed their algorithm (now that I Google it I see it […]
What Your Association Conference Looks Like on Twitter
This is a bit nerdier than usual, but I thought this was a pretty cool representation of what an association conference looks like on Twitter via NodeXL, a free open source template for Excel that lets you explore network graphs. I am working on my Excel-phobia and can only dream of being able to create […]
Pins of the Week: New Twitter Chat Tool, Cheat Sheets…and a Cocktail
It’s been a busy few months of un/self-employment, which is an oxymoron–aren’t unemployed people supposed to have oodles of free time to do whatever they want? I have managed to squeeze in a few trips and a few weekday movie matinees (my favorite guilty pleasure in life) but, believe it or not, I’ve been too […]
Why the Nerd in me Knows Ads Will Ruin Twitter
After a week-long vacation and self-imposed break from all things online, I admit this time my return to Twitter was a bit more reluctant than it has been after previous, shorter breaks. In years past, the idea of not checking Twitter for any length of time seemed much harder for some reason. I’m not sure […]
One Simple Request to Brands on Facebook and Twitter
You know the stupidest thing a brand or business can possibly tell consumers? “Find Us On Facebook.” Honestly–have they ever used Facebook? Do they know how shitty Facebook’s search functionality is? It’s basically the worst search ever…wait, unless you count Twitter, which is truly the worst search ever. So guess what? When brands say “Follow us on Twitter” […]
Your Social Media Failure is Not Because Social Networks Are Too Crowded
I read this article yesterday and am still shaking my head about it today. The article’s premise–“Governments Tweet, Few Care”–is based in part on one guy’s opinion that government is boring and people only seek excitement and entertainment on social networks. The article goes on to state that this guy “does not use social-networking sites.” […]
Is It Just Me Or Is Twitter Not Ready For Prime Time Yet?
Over the past few days I’ve seen about a million re-tweets of the big news: Twitter is about to roll out business accounts. I seem to be the only one who finds this news disturbing. I feel like I’m in the social media version of the Emperor’s New Clothes or something. Twitter’s shortcomings–which are so […]
Twitter Isn’t a Numbers Game My A$$
Yesterday an exchange on Twitter got me thinking about the whole concept of “followers” and “following” and how crazy the whole thing is. I saw Chris Brogan tweet this: I asked: He replied: I have to say I’m surprised and weirdly offended. I’m so tired of hearing (ok, reading) all the talk in social media […]
Is Summer the Season for Social Media Malaise?
Recently I just haven’t been feeling it as much–blogging, tweeting–just the whole social media thing. Life is too busy and sometimes I question why I put all this other stuff on myself when I already have a more-than-full plate with kids, a husband, a full-time job, etc. I blogged about it last week with regard […]
Twitter Honeymoon Period=Over?
I’m wondering if my love affair with Twitter is starting to wind down. I’ve been at it for well over a year now, basically addicted and loving every minute. Learning stuff. Meeting People. Promoting my blog. I’ve gone from thinking Twitter was a stupid waste of time to seeing it as a tool that has […]