Don’t get me wrong–I couldn’t be happier about Forrester’s newest report showing that social media adoption has basically become “nearly universal.” Definitely bodes well for me being gainfully employed. At the same time, though, I can’t help but notice that the whole social media rockstar thing is getting a little out of hand. As more […]
Archives for August 2009
Is It Just Me Or Is Twitter Not Ready For Prime Time Yet?
Over the past few days I’ve seen about a million re-tweets of the big news: Twitter is about to roll out business accounts. I seem to be the only one who finds this news disturbing. I feel like I’m in the social media version of the Emperor’s New Clothes or something. Twitter’s shortcomings–which are so […]
Reflections on Virtual Attendance And New Revenue Streams
(Thanks to Jeff De Cagna of Principled Innovation for the ribbon) Anyone who reads this blog knows I’m obsessed with social media–I blog about it, use it constantly, even get paid to do it for a living. So of course I’m using it to stay on top of what’s going on at ASAE’s annual meeting […]
Why A Social Media Career Might Not Be As Great As You Think
My kids love to snicker about my job: I’m a social media & community specialist. I kind of though they’d think it was cool that their mom gets paid to be on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube all the time, but of course I was wrong. They think it’s not a “real” job. Not surprisingly, many […]
Are Hyper-Local Bloggers Going to be the New Mommy Bloggers?
I came across links to two similar posts on Twitter today–both about successful newspaper replacements: websites that rely heavily on user-generated content. The first was about–Michigan’s new online daily. It replaces the Ann Arbor News. The website features a staff of 60 (down from 316 when it was a print publication), of which 35 […]
I’m Confused! Conflicting Social Media Studies
One of the most confusing things to me about all this social media stuff is the constant conflicting information. One day there’s a study showing one thing; the next there’s another that shows just the opposite. For instance, WorkPlace Media’s recent study “Can Big Brands Crash The Social Networking Party?” found “The overall impact of […]
Hotwire Customer Service 2.0
Here is a real-time example of why the traditional customer service model is dead. I just tweeted “Totally disappointed with Hotwire. Have to blog it because it’s too long to tweet.” Within a few minutes they responded via @ message: “We’re interested in your experience! love to have u follow + DM us w/details, if […]