I’ll say right off the bat that this post is going to be half-baked because I’m rushing to write it because it’s 9:30 pm and my husband hates when I’m blogging at 9:30 pm. But Ryan Paugh, Community Manager at Brazen Careerist, started a great discussion today in the Community Manager group there and I […]
Archives for January 2010
Things Every Parent Should Know About Facebook
Last weekend I was setting up a Facebook page for my pre-teen niece (and a corresponding one for her dad so he can monitor how she’s using it). It occurred to me as I was trying to dredge up from memory various pieces of what I consider to be necessary information about Facebook that, just […]
Ignoring Social Media Cost Democrats a Senate Seat
I haven’t done a rah-rah social media post in a while, but I think it’s about time I did one. A few current events are proving how big social media has become and how much to your peril it is to ignore it: David Meerman Scott predicted the outcome of the Massachusetts election by pointing […]
Facebook Users: Get Ready for a Deluge of Spam
What’s the percent chance that Facebook developers, if given the option to request or even require your email address in order to use their applications, would NOT use those email addresses to spam the crap out of you? We’ll soon find out, since, effective Wednesday, January 20, Facebook’s new email API will be going live. […]
Why is it News That Twitter Search Sucks?
A few days ago I saw several social media “influencers” tweeting links to this post about how Twitter doesn’t archive tweets. Is this news to anyone? I know I’ve blogged about it before. I’ve said it before and I’ll no doubt say it again–I don’t understand how a platform that is so unreliable and has […]
Swiped from my personal blog I know I already posted about this on my other blog, but it’s still grating on my nerves today so I figured I’d continue the rant over here. Not the kind of ranting that’s already going on, though; I mean, come on people–“Why does Vanity Fair Hate the Women of […]
Is Self-Deprecation The New Formula for Success?
I know there have been a bunch of blog posts about buzzwords for 2010; even though I haven’t actually read any I’m pretty sure “authenticity” is one of them. Judging by the amount of kudos Domino’s is getting for their new “Pizza Turnaround” campaign, apparently self-deprecation is also a hot trend. Creativity called the campaign […]
Link Time
Lately I’m not only not feeling particularly inspired to write anything, but I am reading lots of cool stuff but not taking the time to leave comments. So lucky for all of us–here are links to some great posts and the comments I would have left, had I not been lazy. Elizabeth Weaver Engel on […]
If the FTC Wants to Keep Bloggers Disclosing, They Need to Fine Kim Kardashian
I’m having some problems connecting the dots about this whole Kim Kardashian $10k per tweet thing. According to Advertising Age digital and a million other sources, she gets paid $10k per tweet (see slide 8 in of online ad rates.) There she is, at the top of ad.ly’s home page. Yet, not only is she […]