Ah Facebook…always looking for new/better ways to be transparent and to protect our security. That’s why they’ve implemented this…oh, sorry, that’s not it–that’s just the billionth time they “accidentally” changed users’ sharing settings to public. Last week. But they’re sorry, obvi, because they a whole commercial promising that they’re going to do better to protect […]
What Associations Need to Know About Facebook’s API Changes
Ah, Facebook–that social network I love to hate, even though my career kind of depends on using it. For those of us in the association and nonprofit sectors, Facebook just got a lot harder to use effectively with the announcement that they’ve changed their API and eliminated the ability to modify link previews when posting […]
Who’s Responsible for the Facebook Research Scandal? An Association Journal
By now, you’ve undoubtedly read about the fact that Facebook is using us all as lab rats. Shocker, right? That’s just Facebook for you, just one more “oops” in the never-ending parade of privacy breaches. But esteemed scientific professional societies know better, right? Well, sadly, it appears that, at least in this case, they do […]
What’s Your Post-Facebook Social Media Strategy?
People have been saying it for a while, and this week voices seem to be getting louder about it: it’s only a matter of time until Facebook is pay-to-play only. First this, then this, now this….I won’t take up your whole day, but I could probably keep adding links talking about Facebook’s declining organic reach […]
Donations Through Facebook? I’d Think Twice About That
Big news yesterday: Facebook announced their new Donate feature. You know, because Facebook cares tons about nonprofits, right? Historically, Facebook hasn’t given a crap about nonprofits. I’ve been managing Facebook pages for associations and nonprofits for over five years now and I can tell you that Facebook could not care less about helping nonprofits. Are […]
What You Need to Know About Facebook’s News Feed Changes
(This post originally appeared on Socialfish) Facebook page admins take note: just when you thought you’d figured out Facebook’s EdgeRank algorithm, they’ve changed the game and the way News Feed works. That’s the good news, because I’m sorry but anything that requires multiple infographics to explain it is just wrong. However, as Facebook flips back and forth […]
How a $7 Facebook Promoted Post Can Help You Find a Job
About five weeks ago, I quit my job–the ultimate “never do this” move. Why? Because crying out of frustration every day about a job happens to fall into my “life is too short” category and I decided I was entitled to a one-time exception to the “never quit a job without having a new one” […]
Why “Add to Interest List” on Facebook isn’t a Magic Fix
Back in the day, if you “liked” a Facebook page, all the posts by that page made their way into your news feed. As did all posts by the people you were friends with on Facebook. Ah, but those were the pre-IPO days of Facebook. Now that Facebook’s stock generally hovers about $10-$20 below the […]
My Experience With Facebook Ads. And, Shocker, it Wasn’t Good.
We all know by now that I am no fan of Facebook. Privacy “glitches,” constant changes, total lack of regard for what users want, no accountability to anyone….those are just a few of the reasons I hate Facebook. Of course I realize I’m a total hypocrite because despite these fails, I continue to use the […]
Facebook Ignores User Settings AGAIN and Opts Everyone Back into Group Email Notifications
Have you spent all weekend wondering why your email inbox was full of notifications from Facebook groups? Notifications you swear you had previously turned off, but now seem to have been re-activated? Well, you’re not alone, and you’re not imagining things–Facebook did indeed just do one of their famous “we let you control your experience […]