Yesterday my friend Deirdre tweeted me a link to a blog post about a topic she knows I’m “passionate” about (read: obsessed with): blogger compensation. This particular post was about food bloggers struggling with the issue of compensation. She floats the idea of a food bloggers union, but quickly backpedals and points out that organizing […]
Archives for September 2010
The Power of Velma
I love blogging but one thing I’m horrible at is titles for my posts. Which is why when I do a really good one it’s particularly satisfying. And it’s even more satisfying when I get to revisit a post with a title I was particularly psyched about. Like “The Power of…Huh”, for instance. Remember that […]
Is it Realistic to Think Bloggers Will Demand Fair Payment?
One thing about me: I’m very good at being passionate about how things SHOULD be done. I’m the best person to come to if you want a pep talk about asking for a raise, or demanding better treatment at work or from a partner. And occasionally I even rise to the occasion and take my […]
New Voices
Sometimes you just hit a blog dry spell–either that or you are just done entirely. I’m hoping it’s the former rather than the latter for me; regardless, I’m sitting here trying to force a post and am just not feeling like thinking or blogging about social media right now. But lucky for you there are […]
Do Your Videos Get 10 Million Views?
In case you didn’t already know this about me, I have two kids–a 12 year-old son and a 14 year-old daughter. One of their favorite things to do is watch stupid videos on YouTube–videos they hear about from their friends on Facebook (yes, I know you’re supposed to be 14 to be on Facebook but […]
Foursquare Fatigue
Am I the only one who’s gotten past the honeymoon period with Foursquare and is wondering what the point is anymore? Lately I’ve found myself either not checking in at all or feeling kind of like a chump when I do bother to check in. There seems to be so much hype about Foursquare and […]
According to AP, Bloggers Are Journalists
Apparently citizen journalists are now just plain old journalists–well, usually unpaid journalists. This from the Associated Press, which announced today that its staff “will recognize bloggers as valid sources of news and credit them in their articles.” They’re still one step behind the times, though, because their new stance extends only to blogs, not Facebook […]
BitDefender’s Downloadable Guide to Protecting Children Online
The prevalence of computers in our daily lives means that our children are exposed to them at a very early age. Our kids watch our every move, including those online, and want to emulate the behavior they see. Regardless of the many benefits that constant internet access brings, the online world remains a risky place […]
Good Salary News For Women…if You Don’t Ever Get Married or Have Kids
Don’t get too excited about’s triumphant headline “Workplace Salaries: At Last, Women on Top” unless you know of a way to freeze your age at 29 and are willing to forsake marriage and kids. Forever. First they say that according to a new analysis of 2,000 communities by a market research company, in 147 […]
What Free Costs Me
This post isn’t just about me, but about the royal “me” as in us. Plus it rhymed. But it is about free, and what free for companies costs those of us doing the free contributing. What inspired this post was two things: yesterday’s association Twitter chat (#assnchat) and a tweet by SmartBrief. The topic of […]