You may have noticed that suddenly, this blog looks totally different. I started tinkering with it when I switched from the old commenting platform I was using (Echo comments) to Disqus. Why did I switch? Because Echo recently started charging $10 a month and since this blog is only for fun and not a money-maker for me in any way–not to mention the fact that I barely ever get comments–the idea of paying for a comment platform was just stupid. I wish I could use Livefyre but for now it doesn’t work on Blogger. I talked to someone from Livefyre at BlogWorld NYC and I believe they said it’s coming soon for Blogger…but maybe that was just wishful thinking? That was such a crazy two days that I honestly can’t remember.
At any rate, while I was debating over whether I should just migrate the blog out of Blogger to WordPress so I could use Livefyre, I admit that part of me was curious to see what new features the “upgraded” version of Blogger included. I then discovered that Blogger users can upgrade now by using Blogger in Draft. So I did that, and while doing so, figured I’d change my template while I was at it. I’m sad to report the number one feature I was hoping Blogger would include in the upgrade would be the ability to opt to have links open in a new window from the text editor….but sadly, you still have to do this by messing with the html. Which is why my links usually don’t open in a new window…I usually just don’t take the time to go the extra mile to go insert a bunch of ‘Target=”blank”‘ tags after I compose a post.
Anyway, since I’ve recently taken to reading books via the iPad Kindle app in bed and appreciating the black screen/white text feature I figured I’d try it here. Not sure if I love it, and not sure how readers like it–how do you like it?
One good thing about switching to the new template–it allowed Google’s “share bar” to show, something that didn’t work using my old template. So now I don’t have to have separate retweet and “like” buttons at the bottom of every post, and I have a +1 button.
So there you have it…because I know it was killing you not knowing why I’d suddenly changed the look of Mizz Information! Please let me know if this black background/white text is really annoying; I’m personally on the fence about it.
UPDATE: Thanks for the feedback! Apparently black background with white text is only good for reading in bed; I’ve reverted back to white background with black text. I don’t love the background image or the color green, but it was as good as I could get customizing the free template. In my next life I’m going to pay someone to design me an actual logo and non-out-of-the-box blog template.
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