While reading Sunday’s Washington Post, I came across the headline “The Post fails a young blogger.” This should be interesting, I thought, and read it. It was not only interesting but scarily familiar to me.
All I can think when I read stories like this or hear of similar experiences from my professional peers is “I don’t get it.” Everyone knows that the traditional publications model is dying. Print ad revenue is down and continuing to diminish, while online ad spend is up and projected to continue to rise. But the investment of time, resources and talent is still focused on the traditional model. Digital publications and staff with talents to support and grow those publications are not optional if an organization wants to be able to accommodate the digital ad spend their advertisers are budgeting for. People talk about flipping the publishing model all the time–when are people going to start looking at flipping the publishing STAFFING model to reward digital journalists instead of marginalizing them?
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