I am trying to be better about unplugging when I’m not at work, both because my aging eyes are killing lately and also because I know it’s good for me. So what did I do this weekend? Decide I needed to start a new blog, complete with learning how to install and set up a self-hosted WordPress blog with a custom theme. Sigh.
But I have to admit that even though my eyes are practically bleeding from lack of sleep and staring at a computer for a billion straight hours, the result is pretty good: behold Chic n’ Geek!
Why a new blog, you ask? Because I’m a glutton for punishment, I guess. Well, that and the fact that my feelings about blogging have changed a lot since I started Mizz Information. When I started blogging (well, serious blogging–not fun blogging like Motherwhatnowredux) I did it because I loved writing. It was about the writing for me, period. Not making money, not visual impact, not getting a bunch of pageviews–I blogged because I loved writing. Fast forward almost six years and, while I still love writing, a lot has changed. I’ve changed and grown–I’ve gone from writing about social media to having a job doing social media. Blogging has become less of a hobby and more of a business thing, whether it’s managing an org’s blog or freelance writing for other blogs. And the Internet has changed too, as has the way I consume content on it. I used to read and care only about the words. I still do read a ton, but now there is so much content out there that it’s overwhelming. I have become way more visual, whether by necessity because of the firehose of content or just by evolution as there is just more visual content available. While I’m a horrible photographer, I love Instagram. And you already know about my fixation with Pinterest.
And while I used to read only business-y blogs, now my favorite blogs are more fluff, more fashion and home decor and just visual appeal. I discover blogs via Pinterest now, not Twitter. I subscribe to a lot of blogs, but the ones I actually read are more outfit of the day and less in-depth analysis of some facet of social media or marketing. I skim headlines for that stuff; the stuff I actually stop and read is shorter, more visual and more fun.
So all of that is, I guess, my super long way of rationalizing my need to start yet another blog. I’ll still write here about community management, social media and other Mizz Information-y stuff, but just as I started here six years ago wanting to become a better writer, I’ll also be over at Chic n’ Geek trying to improve my design and photography skills–one outfit or cocktail at a time.
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