Holy moly it’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything here. Or anywhere else, really, for that matter. In case the world in general didn’t already feel surreal and weird and depressing enough, logging into WordPress and discovering that it’s been so long since I blogged that there’s a whole new interface here on the back end of the screen just makes me feel like I’m stuck in some sort of isolation/time warp desert.
Then again, I guess that’s sort of the general state of the world these days, so…
Sidebar, before I go any further, one thing that’s been occurring to me more and more over this past year is this blog’s name, Mizz Information. Now that “misinformation” is essentially one of the main themes of life here in the US, it feels a little, um, disingenuous to both self-identify and be associated with such a term. Maybe I’m over-thinking (shocker) but something I’m pondering and would be curious to hear any feedback about if by some chance anyone even reads this post.
Anyway, I don’t even know where to start so I’m just going to ramble to sort of catch any remaining veteran readers up and/or give a tl;dr introduction to this blog for any potential new visitors who might somehow find their way here. I’ve been writing Mizz Information since February of 2008 and was remarkably diligent (for me) at keeping at a pretty regular clip for the first 10 years, which, for me is pretty remarkable. Once hitting that 10-year milestone, a bunch of stuff happened in both my personal and professional lives and, while I never intentionally stopped blogging, I, for all intents and purposes, basically did just that.
I’ve been self-employed for the past 2+ years, which is the main thing that’s kept me from being able to carve out time/focus for something that, in this day and age feels both like an exercise in navel-gazing and also just sort of like yelling into the wind because who reads blogs anymore when PODCASTS? At the same time, writing is the way I process everything; the way I express myself and, I’m realizing, one of the ways I connect with people. I still write pretty much every day, which has been great in other ways, but as I’ve started feeling more and more isolated and lonely with COVID on top of being a solopreneur working remotely for going on three years now, writing only to myself is basically the same as talking only to myself (which I admittedly also do). I’ve even given Facebook a few half-hearted attempts again–and if you know me and my hatred of Facebook, you know how lonely/desperate that move alone reveals that I am!
So, I figure if I’m willing to consider Facebook as an option to feel more connected, I may as well at least give blogging another try. That, in part, is why I’m back here now, typing this: because I miss the connections that blogging enabled throughout the years that I actively did it and I’m at the grasping-at-straws point of COVID where I’m just really craving connection in whatever form I can find it. Maybe this won’t end up helping with that aspect of my life, but you never know until you try so…I’m trying.
I will keep this post brief because otherwise I could easily turn this into an entire novel of a catch-up post. So to anyone reading this–hi and I look forward to reconnecting–or at least seeing how it goes.
Welcome back! Looking forward to your next blog entry!
Thank you!! Now I just need to find time to write it. And also I still owe you a text about getting together!
Nice to hear from you. More, please.
Thanks Rick–nice to hear from /see you! You may be sorry when the “more” turns out to be a whole novel! lol
HERE for the updates!
Aw–thank you!! You have no idea how happy just reading “here for you” make me–so thank you for taking time to comment.
She’s Baaaack! Hi Maggie!
Hey Paul!!! So great to “see” you–I feel less lonely already. Hope things are good with you and thanks for reading/commenting!
Yeah. I wanted something longer. ๐
Hey you!! Trust me, you may live to regret that desire because I could easily type for 24 straight hours and still not be done. Hope you’re healthy and doing well.
I was going to say something about starting a podcast, then I got halfway through the post…
Glad to see you back at the writing. I know how it can slip away (I switched from blogging to podcasting, and now just send out a newsletter every week or so, instead of public blogging).
Re. the name of the blog, what’s your goal with the “relaunch”, and what audience would that attract?
From there, you can start brainstorming names that are relevant and SEO-friendly. ๐
Hey Danny–thanks so much for reading/commenting! Part of me would love to do a podcast, but then the idea of editing, worrying about sound quality, reining in my ADHD rambling enough so it makes any kind of coherent sense…nah. Although I do have a podcast collab project coming up that I’m excited about….
That’s the problem–I’m not sure what my goal is or what audience I want to attract. I have two other blogs that are more personal that I’m also thinking about resurrecting which, if I do, will help inform this one being business stuff only, etc.
Hope you’re well and it makes me happy to hear/read your voice during the world craziness.
There she is! Welcome back!
Hey lady–“back” feels so committal that it makes me hyperventilate slightly, but it also feels kind of great to be back in the fray. Now to just get through current crush of work so I can keep this up beyond one stray post!