You should write a blog post about this! It’s an insight that I think would be good to expand on. — Ernie Smith (@ErnieSmithAN) June 4, 2018 When one of your favorite writers suggests you should write a blog post about something, what do you do? Obviously, you write it, even if your brand new […]
Steal Like a Fundraiser: Innovations in Cause-Oriented Fundraising for Associations
Guest post by Sohini Baliga, Director of Communications, Taxpayers for Common Sense, and Elizabeth Weaver Engel, M.A., CAE, CEO & Chief Strategist, Spark Consulting LLC Associations don’t always have all the answers (we know, you’re shocked). We definitely have some major advantages, not the least of which is that we are highly a cooperative and collaborative […]
Mental health stigma goes double for older people–and why we need to fix that
Remember that time last summer that I declared that I was done blogging about social media and was pivoting to writing about mental health? Or how almost exactly a year ago I wrote about mental health stigma and how it seems to be much worse for older people than younger ones? And then I proceed […]
10 years of Mizz Information…and 10 free or cheap digital marketing tools
Well, I somehow managed to miss this blog’s 10 year anniversary on February 24. Not that anyone actually cares about this other than me, but still…10 years is a LONG TIME for a commitment-phobe like me : ) Looking back at my first post I have to say that I’ve never really stopped to think about […]
In Facebook We Trust. Why?
As baffling and rage/fear/frustration-inducing as the 24/7 political news cycle is, another–admittedly, much lower key– narrative has been snagging my attention lately: Facebook. If you read this blog or know me, I know “lately” is a laughingly inadequate descriptor of the time period during which I’ve been obsessed with the topic of Facebook. I’ve actually […]