So last Friday was World Health Day, the theme of which this year was depression and a “let’s talk” campaign geared at encouraging people to seek and get help for depression. From the WHO press release about the campaign: “Depression is the leading cause of ill health and disability worldwide. According to the […]
Suicide Prevention Week–Go Team Jacob
All week, I’ve been struggling with this post, as I’ve tried to think of how to convey the importance and sadness of the message…and the result has been that I’ve written nothing. Which is not ok, because I would not be able to forgive myself if I let this week pass without doing my part […]
Social Media and Work/Life Balance, Redux
I had to have minor surgery last Friday and, subsequently, am trying my best to be “off the grid” this week while I recover. I’m off work for the week and have been sufficiently out of it that I actually have been (mostly) off the computer, including (again, mostly) Facebook and Twitter. And I have […]