Today was my daughter’s 13th birthday so I let her skip school and took her to the mall. While I was stranded in the hell that is Hollister/Abercrombie/Pac Sun/Aeropostale (e.g. loud music and lots of perfume in the air) I was thankfully able to entertain myself with my iPhone. And, naturally, Twitter. The Washington Post […]
If Twitter Wasn’t Mainstream Before, It Will Be After 4pm Today
I started writing a post yesterday about Ashton Kutcher and CNN’s contest to get to a million followers but didn’t get to finish. My point was going to be how I know it’s pathetic to get worked up over something as stupid as the commercialization of Twitter–but that it did offend my nerd sensibilities. As […]
Twitter Me This: Why Is Twitter’s Popularity Surprising?
So today’s Washington Post has yet another article about how stupid Twitter is, this time in the context of sports. Ok, ok–we get it–Twitter is stupid. Who the hell cares about what you or I had for breakfast, or that we’re stuck in traffic, or how we were walking down the street and suddenly a […]
Brands on Twitter—Are They There For You or For Themselves?
First there was Comcastcares. (Ok, they were not actually first but it was the first example that came to my mind. Zappos is another notable example, but for whatever reason I thought of Comcast first. Sorry Zappos.) Frank Eliason, Comcast’s “director of digital care”– who Business Week dubbed as “the most famous customer service manager […]
Twitter: What Is It Good For?
Lazy Friday: I’m just linking to a guest post about Twitter that I wrote for Jill Kurtz’s blog earlier this week. Have a great weekend!
Live Tweeting Lawmakers?
On the heels of ASAE’s Great Ideas conference and the twitter about live tweeting during sessions, there’s an article in today’s Washington Post addressing the same thing: A Tale of 140 Characters, Plus the Ones in Congress–excellent headline, btw. The article talks about lawmakers tweeting through Obama’s speech to the joint session of congress. Tweets […]
Enterprise Twitter: Who Would Pay?
I love it when I can use the word “atwitter” in a blog post. So it’s my lucky day because my inbox and twitterstream are both atwitter about Twitter’s rumored new business model: charging companies for commercial use. Simple enough, right? I mean, if Twitter is now a mainstay of corporate communications–garnering all kinds of […]
Watching Old Media Die, One Tweet At A Time
I’ve blogged about it before: old media is dying. A few days ago, Brian Solis had a great, statistics-laden post documenting “the looming exit of print newspapers as a primary source of national and international news.” Don’t want to take the time to read either one of those posts? Or just don’t believe it? Just […]
Twitter in Real Life
There’s a good reason I’m a blogger and not a videographer: because I’m horrible at making videos. Actually, that’s not technically true; I haven’t ever tried to make a video. I don’t know the first thing about directing, editing, animating–frankly, I don’t even know the terms for the things I don’t know. Suffice it to […]
Association Social Media Roadshow Reflections Part 1: Twitter
*Disclaimer: I work for the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA); however, this is my personal blog in which I express my own thoughts and opinions.* *When I sat down to write this post I intended it to be a wrap up of all my thoughts about our social media explorations at ASHA’s Annual Convention. Once I […]