Have you seen the movie White Chicks? If so, you know that part where they say “OOOH, you want to talk about mothers?!” Weirdly, that scene was what I thought of when I saw ASAE’s listing for a community manager. Why? Because if you read this blog you know if I have one pet issue, […]
Archives for February 2011
PRSA Misses PR Opportunity of the Decade
Wednesday night is date night in the McGary house. So why am I blogging on date night? Because I just read this post on Forrester’s Empowered blog while checking my email on my phone in the car on the drive home from the movies and was so horrified/depressed/amused that I told my husband this was a […]
One of the good things about having a blog is that you can write about whatever you want. One of the weird things about having a blog is balancing creating content that others find useful and being self-promotional by either linking to your own posts or talking about yourself. So what happens when something cool […]
Huffington Post Bloggers Aren’t the Only Ones Getting Punked
If you’ve been reading this blog for a while you know I have a long-standing obsession with citizen journalism and how it benefits companies but takes advantage of content creators. Almost a year ago I pondered what would be the tipping point for people deciding they’re tired of providing free content to media outlets who then make […]
Klout as a Tool for Community Managers: Why I Don’t Buy it
I’ve recently been seeing a slideshare presentation about Klout for Community Managers making the rounds to general fanfare. No offense to the authors of that presentation, but I totally don’t buy it. The biggest factor that goes into a Klout score is Twitter use. The more you tweet and the more followers you have, the […]
Facebook Comment Notifications Suck
Ok, maybe this doesn’t warrant a whole blog post, but since I crowed yesterday about how Facebook is finally offering Page Admins notifications via email when someone posts or comments on the Page’s wall, I think it’s only fair to quell the expectations that now all will be right with the world for Facebook Page admins. […]
New Facebook Page Admin Tools–Including Alerts!
Earlier today I saw that Facebook has added keyword moderation and profanity blocklists to the barely effective spam filter it introduced a few months ago. I say “barely effective” because my experience with the spam filter has been that it blocks posts that are fine and lets actual spam posts through. I’m the first to […]
The Myth of Influence
I’m by no means the only one who has called BS on the concept of influence; others have done a much better and thorough job of pointing out the problems inherent in the current crop of influence-measuring tools. When even the CEO of Twitalyzer says “to use Twitalyzer (or Klout for that matter) to make […]
“Social Media” or “Social Networking”–Which Term is Correct?
I recently learned that Forrester Research has launched new online communities aligned by professional role: IT, Technology Industry, and Marketing & Strategy professionals. Curious to see what was going on, I joined the marketing & strategy professionals one. The first discussion thread I noticed was titled “Please, please, please don’t call it “Social Networking”, unless you wanna […]
House Parties for Associations–Really?
So have you heard about House Parties? The first time I heard about them was when I read about Microsoft’s cringe-inducing Windows 7 launch party video. Didn’t exactly make me think of House Parties in a great light. Granted, that same campaign won a Forrester Groundswell Award…go figure….but I still maintain that it’s a goofy […]