It’s that time again….blogcation. As usual, instead of scheduling a week’s worth of posts to run while I’m gone (ok, who am I fooling…if I blog once a week these days I’m doing well) here are a few posts from the past six months that you may have missed the first time around: Why I’m […]
Archives for July 2011
5 Ways Exhibitors Should Market to Attendees. And None of Them is a Postcard.
This year I’ll be going to ASAE’s Annual Meeting & Expo for the first time. When I registered, I was asked if I preferred to receive communication from vendors via email or regular mail. Since I can’t keep up with email as it is, I opted for regular mail and didn’t think much of it […]
Streamed Out
Google+. Spotify. Google Music. Branchout. BeKnown. Pinterest. Seriously–how much time is one person supposed to have for online socializing? I am officially tapped out. It was bad enough when it was just Facebook and Twitter–both my own personal accounts and the accounts I manage professionally. Oh, and Linkedin. Now I’m supposed to find time to […]
New Look for Mizz Information
You may have noticed that suddenly, this blog looks totally different. I started tinkering with it when I switched from the old commenting platform I was using (Echo comments) to Disqus. Why did I switch? Because Echo recently started charging $10 a month and since this blog is only for fun and not a money-maker […]
Why I’m not Giddy Over Google+
If you’re a geek, you already know what Google+ is. If you’re not, this seems like a decent primer (I admit I just Googled it and picked the first link, so apologies if that’s actually a flawed or otherwise not great explanation. After all, it’s July 4th.) Basically, it’s supposed to be Google’s version of […]