It’s been a busy few months of un/self-employment, which is an oxymoron–aren’t unemployed people supposed to have oodles of free time to do whatever they want? I have managed to squeeze in a few trips and a few weekday movie matinees (my favorite guilty pleasure in life) but, believe it or not, I’ve been too busy to spend much time on Pinterest. Need to fix that, stat! But the good news is that my unemployment is about to come to an end, as I’ve accepted a new job and start in a week. Anyway, back to the business at hand…here are some of my favorite pins of the past week(s):
1) New Twitter Chat tool. If you participate in Twitter chats, you may have noticed (and sobbed) that Tweetchat is no longer functional. Thought you’d have to say goodbye to Twitter chats? Fear not: enter oneQube, a new, free Twitter chat platform.

2) How to Contact Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, and Other Social Networks. I have to say I’m a bit skeptical about this one because my experience has been that unless you’re with an agency or a company spending big bucks on advertising, you’re pretty much SOL when it comes to getting any kind of service from a public social networking platform…but this post does include a lot of contact information so would at least be a good place to start.

3) World’s Shortest Marketing Plan. Since I’m about to start my new job as Marketing Manager for AABB (squee!) I thought this might come in handy.

4) Twitter Cheat Sheet. I used to hate infographics but I have to say that sometimes they are great at summing up some good information in a quick, easy-to-bookmark way. This is a good one with some quick, useful factoids about Twitter.
5) Grapefruit Thyme Gin Soda. It’s almost summer and not only did this photo just look refreshing, but I’m a sucker for foofy drinks with herbs or stuff like lavendar syrup.

So did I miss anything great on Pinterest while I’ve been gone? Do you know of any great pins/boards I should be following?
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