(This post originally appeared on Socialfish) If your association has a Google Grant for AdWords, be on the lookout for a renewal form. Google is requiring that existing grantees who have been in the program for six months or more to submit a renewal form with their current nonprofit status documentation and AdWords Customer ID. Once you […]
Archives for July 2013
Hello Chromebook
If you don’t already know this about me, I’m hell on electronic things. My husband calls me “magnet fingers” because I break everything electronic–phones, remote controls and, especially, computers. I can’t even tell you how many computers I’ve gone through in the past five years–probably five? In 2010 I thought I had the answer–Mac, of […]
The State of Social Media in Membership Marketing
Each year, Marketing General puts out a Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report. And of course, each year I read the report from the social media/community management lens. Here are some social media highlights I pulled out of the 2013 report: One of the top challenges cited by associations is difficulty attracting/maintaining younger members 74% of responding […]
Guest Posts on Mizz Information?
Ever since I added a contact form to my website, I’ve started getting inquiries about whether or not I accept guest posts. I don’t know whether to be flattered or just confused–I guess both. If they actually read this blog they’d know that I blog because I love writing–period. Not for money–I tried that. Luckily […]
Google Reader: Going, Going, Gone
As of today, Google Reader is a thing of the past. A truly stupid move on Google’s part, in my opinion. Google Reader drove a ton of traffic and hundreds of thousands (if not more–couldn’t find a recent stat at a quick glance) of users, as evidenced by sending over 500k new users to Feedly […]