I just read a post about an upcoming membership marketing benchmarking report, specifically detailing the part of the report that addresses social media use by associations. The report surveyed 700 associations and, according to the summary of the upcoming report, among associations with over 20,000 members, 31% reported having a private social network. Hm, I […]
Karl Rove at ASAE? I Wish I Cared More
A few weeks ago, a storm started brewing over the announced opening keynote speakers for ASAE’s annual conference: Karl Rove and James Carville. As I’m avidly anti-politics (I don’t even vote), I immediately got fired up upon hearing the name “Karl Rove” because I know enough about politics to know he bashed my hero Elizabeth […]
If Your Members Organize Their Own Committee, Are You Failing Them?
Sadly, I did not go to SXSW (mom, that’s not “S-W-S-W” but South by Southwest). But I may as well have been there based on how many times I’ve seen it mentioned online over the past week. Sigh…maybe next year. At any rate, one of the thousands of SXSW things that flowed through either my […]
Association Swing and a Miss–CEA Tech Enthusiast Membership
Last March, I got an email from the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) informing me of a new member category they had just created: Tech Enthusiast. I believe the dues were $30 a year and the benefits included the following: As a CEA Tech Enthusiast (TE) member you will receive hot deals and incredible opportunities from […]
Can Associations Successfully Create a Culture of Collaboration and Innovation?
Weeding through my email this morning I happened to notice a familiar name in one of the dozens of listserv digests that I routinely delete each morning. The NTEN digest featured a post by Allyson Kapin on “Tips to Create a Culture of Collaboration and Innovation.” Allyson Kapin is super smart and “culture of collaboration and innovation” is […]
Associations’ 15 Minutes of Fame Courtesy of Herman Cain
So even a total political non-participant like me (read: I do not vote and think politics as a whole is a crooked, crazy mess) can’t help but pay a tiny bit of attention to this Herman Cain thing because of the association tie-in. I mean, seriously–how often do associations get huge news coverage that talks […]
Employers are Liking and Hiring Social Media Workers–Except Associations
Yesterday I spoke at Digital East about the challenges and opportunities of association social media. A lot of the information I presented came from ASAE’s new report, Benchmarking in Association Management: Social Media. I still need to post my slides (not that they’ll be super useful to anyone, as I went all Slide:ology and only […]
Associations: Launching a Community? Who’s Managing it?
This past year I’ve seen the number of community managers skyrocket….except in the association space. At the same time, in the association space, there seems to have been an explosion of orgs launching white label community platforms. Obviously this costs money–a decent amount of money…yet many associations investing in the technology don’t seem to be […]
#ASAE11 Wrap Up
So I’m back from St. Louis and my first-ever ASAE Annual Meeting. It sure was fun. I think I was meant to be a meeting planner because I could pretty much live in an exhibit hall. While I loved my time in St. Louis and did learn some things, the main thing I think I […]
See You in St. Louis
For years, ASAE’s Annual Meeting was something that former bosses attended to to hobnob with other association big-wigs. Then, once I knew Patrick (aka Mr. Maggie McGary) it was something he attended and I heard about through him. Once I joined ASAE three years ago and started connecting with other members via Twitter, it was […]