Even though this article is recent, the fact that community management is one of the hottest jobs around isn’t news–after all, 2010 was the “Year of the Community Manager” and the past few years have been all about talking about the hottest job around–community manager (aka social media manager or about a dozen other titles). […]
Community Management
Community Manager Appreciation Day
Photo by elkokoparrilla, on Flickr Unless you are a community manager (and maybe not even then) you probably don’t know that today is Community Manager Appreciation Day (CMAD). Well, guess what? It is! Two years ago Jeremiah Owyang suggested that the fourth Monday of January be a day to “take the time to pause, recognize, […]
Associations: Launching a Community? Who’s Managing it?
This past year I’ve seen the number of community managers skyrocket….except in the association space. At the same time, in the association space, there seems to have been an explosion of orgs launching white label community platforms. Obviously this costs money–a decent amount of money…yet many associations investing in the technology don’t seem to be […]
Pharma Companies: Hire a Community Manager Instead of Deleting Your Facebook Pages
A few months ago, I blogged about Facebook’s impending decision to make life hard for pharmaceutical companies. According to today’s Washington Post , these changes will be going live tomorrow, forcing most pharma pages that have previously had closed walls to open them to allow comments. What isn’t clear in the article is whether this […]
Community Manager Confusion, Influence, and More
Even though I’m 43 years old I can’t resist announcing–it’s my birthday today. What am I doing to celebrate? Well, today, working, but tomorrow I’m taking my first trip to England. Yes, it took me 42 years on this planet to get a passport, but I finally got one and I’m going to visit a […]
Did You Know Online Community is a Priority for ASAE? Neither Did I
I’ve spent the past day and a half at ASAE’s Future Leaders conference. On one hand, it’s been great–I’ve learned some leadership stuff (I’m an “i”–who knew?), met some cool people, and gotten to hang out with my friend Lauren Wolfe. On the other, it’s made me wonder how, when almost 10% of kids today […]
ASAE’s Community Manager Position
Have you seen the movie White Chicks? If so, you know that part where they say “OOOH, you want to talk about mothers?!” Weirdly, that scene was what I thought of when I saw ASAE’s listing for a community manager. Why? Because if you read this blog you know if I have one pet issue, […]
Klout as a Tool for Community Managers: Why I Don’t Buy it
I’ve recently been seeing a slideshare presentation about Klout for Community Managers making the rounds to general fanfare. No offense to the authors of that presentation, but I totally don’t buy it. The biggest factor that goes into a Klout score is Twitter use. The more you tweet and the more followers you have, the […]
Open Community and the new association community manager
I’m taking part in the virtual book tour Maddie Grant and Lindy Dreyer are doing to explore concepts from Open Community: a little book of big ideas for associations navigating the social web. In this post, Maddie and Lindy introduce the book and discuss a few of the ideas we hope to discuss more here […]
Think Your Lurkers Aren’t Engaged? Think Again
This week’s #assnchat (which, sadly, I missed) was about lurkers–are they valuable, how do you engage them, do you track them, etc. Even though I missed it, I apparently have lurkers on the brain, because when I read this post from Suzemuse, lurkers were the first thing I thought of. Watch this video, from Suze’s […]