Am I the only one who’s wondering when the whole concept of “Influence” totally just jumped the rails? Not that I ever credited Influence platforms like Klout and/or Kred much to begin with…ok, I didn’t credit them. At all. But lately? The whole concept of influence just seems to have gone from iffy to just […]
Book Review: The Circle
Do you ever feel like you’re the last one to read a book that people have been recommending for ages, then you finally read it and you’re mad at yourself for not reading it sooner? That’s how I feel about The Circle by Dave Eggers. Friends at the Community Roundtable recommended it a few months […]
Pew on Millennials: Bad News for Associations
Based on the results of a new Pew Research study, Millennials in Adulthood: Detached from Institutions, Networked with Friends, bad times are coming for associations. Four out of six takeaways from the study seem pretty not-great for associations: Millennials have fewer attachments to traditional political and religious institutions. Could easily translate to including traditional professional […]
2013 By the Numbers for Mizz Information
Happy new year! February will mark the six year anniversary of Mizz Information….which is both hard for me to believe and not so hard to believe, because it kind of feels like I’ve been doing this blog forever. Harder still to believe that before Mizz Information, I was already blogging for five years…..that’s a LOT […]
Forget Scroogled, How about SharePointed?
I admit when I saw Microsoft’s “Scroogled” store, I thought it was kind of funny. But their new Scroogled campaign against the Chromebook? Just no. As I’ve blogged before, I love my Chromebook. It’s tiny (if a bit too tiny for aging eyes…sigh), it’s light, it’s cheap, and it can do 99% of what I […]
Using Microsoft Word With a Chromebook
So it’s been a few months with my Chromebook and I have to say–I love this thing. If I could change one thing about it, it would be get one with a larger screen, since this is the only computer I use at home anymore…but then it would have cost more than $239 and would […]
Parent Brag Sheets for College? SMH
This year back to school time is more bittersweet than usual for me (ok, who am I kidding–it’s not usually bittersweet because I’m always glad that school is back in session and summer is over) because this is my daughter’s last year of high school. A year from now, I’ll be crying my eyes out […]
Why You Shouldn’t Use Google Chrome With Squarespace
Ok, yes, this post is going to be full nerd, so apologies to my regular readers–I will make it up to you soon with something fun. You know, like an overview of Facebook’s most recent news feed changes or something equally entertaining. 😉 So you know that I recently purchased a Chromebook and that it’s […]
Nonprofit Heads Up: Google Grant Renewals
(This post originally appeared on Socialfish) If your association has a Google Grant for AdWords, be on the lookout for a renewal form. Google is requiring that existing grantees who have been in the program for six months or more to submit a renewal form with their current nonprofit status documentation and AdWords Customer ID. Once you […]
Hello Chromebook
If you don’t already know this about me, I’m hell on electronic things. My husband calls me “magnet fingers” because I break everything electronic–phones, remote controls and, especially, computers. I can’t even tell you how many computers I’ve gone through in the past five years–probably five? In 2010 I thought I had the answer–Mac, of […]