Ah…Google Plus (or is it Google+?…let the list of confusing things about it begin). It was supposed to be the Facebook killer that we Facebook haters had waited for. When that didn’t happen and Facebook thrived, it was supposed to be a lot of things: great for SEO, the new “killer app” as far as […]
Nonprofit Heads Up: Google Grant Renewals
(This post originally appeared on Socialfish) If your association has a Google Grant for AdWords, be on the lookout for a renewal form. Google is requiring that existing grantees who have been in the program for six months or more to submit a renewal form with their current nonprofit status documentation and AdWords Customer ID. Once you […]
Hello Chromebook
If you don’t already know this about me, I’m hell on electronic things. My husband calls me “magnet fingers” because I break everything electronic–phones, remote controls and, especially, computers. I can’t even tell you how many computers I’ve gone through in the past five years–probably five? In 2010 I thought I had the answer–Mac, of […]
The State of Social Media in Membership Marketing
Each year, Marketing General puts out a Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report. And of course, each year I read the report from the social media/community management lens. Here are some social media highlights I pulled out of the 2013 report: One of the top challenges cited by associations is difficulty attracting/maintaining younger members 74% of responding […]
Guest Posts on Mizz Information?
Ever since I added a contact form to my website, I’ve started getting inquiries about whether or not I accept guest posts. I don’t know whether to be flattered or just confused–I guess both. If they actually read this blog they’d know that I blog because I love writing–period. Not for money–I tried that. Luckily […]
Google Reader: Going, Going, Gone
As of today, Google Reader is a thing of the past. A truly stupid move on Google’s part, in my opinion. Google Reader drove a ton of traffic and hundreds of thousands (if not more–couldn’t find a recent stat at a quick glance) of users, as evidenced by sending over 500k new users to Feedly […]
Just Say No To Useless Hashtags. Please
There’s no escaping it now, sadly–hashtags are even more of a thing than they used to be, now that Facebook starting supporting them. I personally was hoping that hashtags would start to disappear, or at least be left to teens sharing Throwback Thursday photos (ok, I admit I, too, am guilty of occasional Throwback Thursday photos). Sadly, […]
2013 State of Community Management Report Stresses Importance of Community Managers
Even though my current role is broader than community management, I’m still a community manager at heart and it’s still my passion. So I was super excited to get a peek at the first report of the Community Roundtable’s 2013 State of Community Management yesterday and even more excited to see that it contains some […]
Summer Fun
Summer is always a tough time for me when it comes to blogging. This year is even worse than usual, what with me still getting up to speed in my new job, freelancing on the side, and trying to grasp the fact that I”m now the mom of a high school senior/kid who can drive. […]
Is it Time for Foursquare to Die?
It’s been almost three years since I wrote about “Foursquare fatigue“…..yet I confess I’m still using Foursquare just as much as ever. Why? I honestly have no idea. Habit, I suppose. Competition with my husband over which of us will be mayor of the places we frequent together. Vain hope that one of these years […]