Facebook recently gave Page admins some cool tools and abilities. So of course, just as Big Brother giveth, he also taketh away….and apparently Facebook is getting ready to take something potentially major away from Page admins: the ability to disable the comment feature on Pages. Apparently, in the next few weeks Facebook will be announcing […]
One Simple Request to Brands on Facebook and Twitter
You know the stupidest thing a brand or business can possibly tell consumers? “Find Us On Facebook.” Honestly–have they ever used Facebook? Do they know how shitty Facebook’s search functionality is? It’s basically the worst search ever…wait, unless you count Twitter, which is truly the worst search ever. So guess what? When brands say “Follow us on Twitter” […]
Importing Member Emails into Facebook–Just Because You Can, Should You?
I just read on Facebook that they have created two ways to allow admins of Pages with fewer than 5,000 “likers” to use email contacts to “build” their Pages. You can either upload a contact file into Facebook or import email contacts who are already on Facebook then suggest your Page to them. Facebook adds the following caveat […]
Fix for Facebook Chronological Posts on Page Issue
Yes, I’m sufficiently nerdy that the way Facebook has messed up the way posts are displayed on a Page’s wall since the new Page design launched is driving me crazy. Luckily I’m not unique in this nerdiness; plenty of other Page admins are upset about it, too–so upset, in fact, that almost 11,000 have joined […]
Facebook Comment Notifications Suck
Ok, maybe this doesn’t warrant a whole blog post, but since I crowed yesterday about how Facebook is finally offering Page Admins notifications via email when someone posts or comments on the Page’s wall, I think it’s only fair to quell the expectations that now all will be right with the world for Facebook Page admins. […]
New Facebook Page Admin Tools–Including Alerts!
Earlier today I saw that Facebook has added keyword moderation and profanity blocklists to the barely effective spam filter it introduced a few months ago. I say “barely effective” because my experience with the spam filter has been that it blocks posts that are fine and lets actual spam posts through. I’m the first to […]
Facebook Page Alert App SmackDown
If you administer one or more Facebook Pages you know that the most frustration feature (or lack thereof) of that task is the fact that Facebook does not offer any kind of alert mechanism to let you know when someone posts a new comment on your Wall, or comments on something you post. HUGE failing, […]
Five Reasons Why Facebook Will Never Replace Your Website
(I wrote this for Socialfishing, but given my recent bloggers block, I’m reposting it here.) Today someone said something which still has me reeling hours later: “Facebook will eventually replace websites.” Was this person the first to ever have said it? Surely not. But it was the first time I’ve ever heard an actual person […]
Why Facebook Groups are Killing my Blog
Wow, long time no blog (or at least it feels like it to me). I’ve missed it. Well, sort of. What’s been keeping me away, you ask? Several things: First, my Macbook wasn’t working right. I’m embarrassed to admit how many computers there are in my house but here goes: 2 desktops, 3 laptops (not […]
Why Associations Should Avoid Facebook’s New “Tell Your Fans” Feature
On December 1, Inside Facebook announced a new tool available to some Facebook Page admins called “Tell Your Fans.” The tool allows ““admins of any new or smaller Pages” (wording apparently Facebook’s, although the link to Facebook’s documentation about “Tell Your Fans” seems to be inactive now and I can’t find anything in Facebook help […]