It’s been a minute since I’ve written about my all-time favorite topic: online community for associations. That doesn’t mean I haven’t been thinking (aka obsessing) about it though…for better or for worse, depending which way you look at that 🙂 Even though I’ve recently switched over to the “dark side” (although it’s the brightest dark […]
10 Years. 524 Movies. In the Theater.
How can it be that 10 years have sped by, just like that? If you read this blog, you know I’m obsessed with movies–going to the movies, in particular. I started doing a blog recap of movies I saw in the theater in 2008 and, unlike just about every other thing in my life, have […]
LinkedIn Groups: still there, but barely
*updated with additional links at end of post* It’s been a few months since I’ve sounded my regular alarm that LinkedIn Groups’ days are numbered based on the steady deprecation of the product’s functionality over the past few years…which doesn’t mean I’ve stopped thinking about this topic obsessively 🙂 So, where are we with LinkedIn’s […]
Long time no see!
Hey there–is this thing still on? Long time no see over here at Mizz Information. It’s been a crazy year on many fronts…to say the least. In this age of “pivot to video” and podcasts being all the rage, I admit it’s a struggle to keep the blogging enthusiasm alive. But at the same time, […]
Mental Health Stigma When You’re Not a Celebrity or a Teen
Mental health has had a banner few weeks in the news and across the internet–at least when the news centers around celebrities or teens. Sinead O’Connor and Justin Bieber made headlines about their battles with depression and mental illness and Diply applauded a list of celebrities who have shared their struggles with mental illness. Two teens were lauded for […]