*updated with additional links at end of post* It’s been a few months since I’ve sounded my regular alarm that LinkedIn Groups’ days are numbered based on the steady deprecation of the product’s functionality over the past few years…which doesn’t mean I’ve stopped thinking about this topic obsessively 🙂 So, where are we with LinkedIn’s […]
LinkedIn Groups: What you Need to Know Now
If you read this blog, you know I tend to be sort of a glass-half-empty kind of gal. I prefer to think of myself as a realist rather than a pessimist, but hey–someone has to be the downer, right? 🙂 But with regard to LinkedIn–specifically, LinkedIn groups–I’ve been chronicling them being stripped of features and […]
LinkedIn Shuts Moderator Group–Is the Same Coming for Groups?
It’s been a while since I’ve posted about LinkedIn Groups (or posted at all, really…) but leave it to the universe to cause me to have to break my dry spell on a holiday weekend Friday. So remember about six months ago when I wrote about why associations should be planning their LinkedIn group exit […]
LinkedIn Groups’ Job Tab: No Longer Optional
It’s been a few weeks since I posted about the then-upcoming changes to LinkedIn Groups that are likely to have a profound impact on associations who use LinkedIn as the platform for their member community. Since then, some of the changes have been rolled out: the promotions tab is gone from one of the groups I […]
Why Associations Should Be Planning Their LinkedIn Exit Strategy
Ah, LinkedIn…where would my blogging be without your Groups feature? It’s been a few months since I’ve written about why associations shouldn’t rely on LinkedIn Groups and speculated about whether LinkedIn is in the (albeit slow) process of phasing out the groups feature, but a few recent things have ramped up my suspicions and made me think that […]
LinkedIn Drops Ability to Connect Via Groups
A few months ago I wrote that it would not surprise me at all if LinkedIn dropped the groups feature. Now it appears that they’ve dropped one of the big attractions of groups for many people: the ability to connect with people via groups you’re in together. As this post describes, a big plus of […]
Are Groups Next on LinkedIn’s Chopping Block?
Last week, I blogged about the Facebook research thing (btw, PNAS has since published an “Expression of Concern” about the fact that they chose to publish the study). Since LinkedIn enabled publishing on their platform, I’ve been curious to see if it offers any value to users as opposed to just benefiting LinkedIn. While I […]
LinkedIn is Great…But Not as Your Community Platform
I know this topic has been discussed to death, particularly in the association community, but I just can’t help weighing in again after seeing it come up yet again in the ASAE LinkedIn group. The topic? Killing a private community in favor of using public social media platforms–in this particular case, LinkedIn groups. If you […]
Think You Have Control Over Your Company’s Linkedin Group? Think Again
Photo by somegeekintn on Flickr The fact that depending on free services to house your organization’s online community is a risky business is something I’ve blogged about before. Like when Facebook just decided to remove the Discussions feature from pages, so if discussions happened to be a valuable asset to either your org or your members, you […]