Ironic that yesterday’s association chat (#assnchat; takes place every Tuesday at 2 pm thanks to Jeff De Cagna) was supposed to be about virtual attendee experience…but because the world felt compelled to live-tweet Michael Jackson’s funeral, Twitter was so slow that we had to postpone #assnchat. I know I’m not supposed to admit this, but […]
Does Forrester’s “Hub and Spoke” Model Work For Association Social Media?
Forrester Research recently released a report on how companies should organize for social media. In the report, they detail three basic organizational models: The Tire (Distributed): Where each business unit or group may create its own social media programs without a centralized approach. Forrester calls this approach the “tire,” as it originates at the edges […]
Buzz2009 Social Media For Associations–Why I Wish I Was Going
Right now I should be battling traffic on my way to BlogPotomac but, because I don’t want to go down in the bad mom hall of fame as being the mom who chose a blogger conference over her son’s grade-school graduation, I’m not going. I did slog through traffic hell to go to the happy […]
More Power of “Huh?”
I still hadn’t stopped scratching my head over the whole Power of A thing when the latest issue of ASAE’s inTouch newsletter arrived in my inbox just now. Headline: “ASAE Offers New Health Care Resource”–sounds good, right? I click on it and get this: ASAE now has a new health care and association policy resource […]
The Power of..Huh?
Recently I received an email from ASAE’s president and CEO about a new campaign, The Power of A. It said something about how they were getting ready to roll out this new campaign to highlight “the many ways in which national trade and professional groups assist U.S. employers, legislators, workers and the public at large […]
Death Knell for Associations?
Back at ASAE’s Great Ideas conference in February, there was a lot of talk about social media–and a lot of talk about how social media could eventually spell the death of associations. Since I work for an association and don’t relish the idea of being out of a job, I didn’t give it much thought […]
Changes to Facebook Pages: Good or Bad for Associations?
You’ve probably heard it’s coming: on March 11, Facebook will roll out a new look for pages. Rather than trying to summarize the changes and either bore those of you who already know about them or lose those of you who have no idea what I’m talking about, I’ll let you go read these posts […]
Bootleg* Volunteerism
(*bootleg in the urban dictionary sense; e.g. lame or lazy) Maddie Grant tagged me to answer the question posed by Peggy Hoffman’s volunteerism meme: “How can we create volunteer jobs that don’t require being on a committee, a long-term commitment or gobs of time? So, share five short-term, ad-hoc volunteer jobs you’d love to have.” […]
Association Social Media Roadshow Reflections Part 1: Twitter
*Disclaimer: I work for the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA); however, this is my personal blog in which I express my own thoughts and opinions.* *When I sat down to write this post I intended it to be a wrap up of all my thoughts about our social media explorations at ASHA’s Annual Convention. Once I […]
Social Media Manager: What’s It Worth To Your Association?
Lately there’s been a big buzz about a newly-created Manager, Social Media position at the National Association of Realtors (NAR). Judging by the number of people blogging, tweeting or otherwise talking about it, I can only imagine how many resumes are flying into NAR. Anyone who knows me knows I’m nosy, particularly about people’s salaries. […]