Last week, I presented at an Association Trends event about association social media. It was fun to talk about my favorite subject and especially fun to be part of a panel facilitated by Maddie Grant with association social media directors Susannah Murley, Chad Davis and Curtiss Midkiff. The presentation is on Slideshare in case you can’t […]
The State of Social Media in Membership Marketing
Each year, Marketing General puts out a Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report. And of course, each year I read the report from the social media/community management lens. Here are some social media highlights I pulled out of the 2013 report: One of the top challenges cited by associations is difficulty attracting/maintaining younger members 74% of responding […]
2013 State of Community Management Report Stresses Importance of Community Managers
Even though my current role is broader than community management, I’m still a community manager at heart and it’s still my passion. So I was super excited to get a peek at the first report of the Community Roundtable’s 2013 State of Community Management yesterday and even more excited to see that it contains some […]
What’s Worth Paying Dues For…And What’s Not
As someone who recently dropped her ASAE membership, I found Joe Rominiecki’s post asking “Who Pays Your Dues?” to be timely. I didn’t leave ASAE because of any ill-will or gripe with the association; quite the contrary, I was actually enjoying my role as volunteer leader on the Power of A Awards judging committee and […]
Open Letter to Social Media Consultants: Not All Staff Are Volunteers or Incompetent
<cracking knuckles> For who-knows-what reason (I like to think it’s the acupuncture I’m now hooked on), it’s been a good long time since I’ve felt like ranting. Well, I guess I can lay the acupuncture theory to rest since I just had a treatment over the weekend and I’m about to rant. Sorry/you’re welcome, depending […]
CAE Bound
Every year for the past few years, I’ve watched other association friends and colleagues take the CAE exam. And each time I’ve thought “should I do it?” And answered myself “no”! No, because I swore to myself when I graduated from college about a billion years ago that I’d never have to go to school […]
ASAE12 Wrap-Up–My 5 Takeaways
So many thoughts about the ASAE Annual meeting I just recovered returned from, so little time to distill them into a coherent blog post while catching up on regular life. So rather than sit here and agonize over coming up with pithy commentary, I figured I’d just go with the tried-and-true list format: Mobile apps […]
Threat to Associations? The $10,000 a Year Online Community
Yesterday I saw a job on Twitter: “Membership sales for Social” As an association veteran, I’m used to membership director or manager positions–but have never seen a membership position billed as a sales position. So I went to check out Social, and discovered it is a “community for social media leaders at the […]
Musings On Influence in the Association Space
So it being almost Friday and me not having blogged in a while and also overdue for a good rant, I’m going to go here. “Here” being the top 10 Most Influential & Authoritative Association Professionals Online list posted by an association vendor’s marketing director this week. No disrespect intended to my good friends who […]
Why I Doubt Associations Will Become Filters for Digital Overload
I admit, I was surprised but happy to see the headline “Will Associations Become Filters for Digital Overload?” in the Huffington Post. Happy because I’m always glad to read things pertaining to associations outside the association bubble–or maybe I just don’t read the Huffington Post regularly and they always post about associations. Regardless, if you […]