If you still question the value of Pinterest, all I have to say is that if, after seeing these five pins, you still don’t see why Pinterest is so awesome for finding basically everything on the planet, you are probably immune to its charms and needn’t give it anymore thought. After all, where else can […]
Pins of the Week
I’ve alluded to it before and I’ll come out and say it again now: I’m obsessed with Pinterest. Especially since “doing” Pinterest is no longer part of my job (although now that it’s not, I admit I totally miss it) and now I use it purely for fun, I spend a decent amount of time […]
Are Groups for Facebook Brand Pages a Good Idea?
Apparently, the ability for Facebook pages to create groups may be coming soon. Assuming this is true–which I’d venture to guess it is, since Google+ pages can now create communities–is it a good idea to set up a brand community on Facebook? Call me bitter, but as a person who once watched a useful and valued Facebook […]
The Catch-22 of Social Business
One reason I guess i’m taking a vacation from most things social media these days is that I couldn’t stand the noise anymore. Now that social media and community management are mainstream, not to mention money-makers for businesses and entrepreneurs (myself obviously included), a lot of people have a lot to say about it. Not […]
Community Un-Managing: Cheat Sheet for Community Managers and Tips for Companies
As I wrote in my last post, I recently left my position managing social media and online community for a large professional association. In the process of disconnecting myself from the organization’s various social media accounts, it occurred to me that I haven’t seen a lot–or anything–written about how to leave a community management position. […]
Open Letter to Social Media Consultants: Not All Staff Are Volunteers or Incompetent
<cracking knuckles> For who-knows-what reason (I like to think it’s the acupuncture I’m now hooked on), it’s been a good long time since I’ve felt like ranting. Well, I guess I can lay the acupuncture theory to rest since I just had a treatment over the weekend and I’m about to rant. Sorry/you’re welcome, depending […]
Why “Add to Interest List” on Facebook isn’t a Magic Fix
Back in the day, if you “liked” a Facebook page, all the posts by that page made their way into your news feed. As did all posts by the people you were friends with on Facebook. Ah, but those were the pre-IPO days of Facebook. Now that Facebook’s stock generally hovers about $10-$20 below the […]
My Experience With Facebook Ads. And, Shocker, it Wasn’t Good.
We all know by now that I am no fan of Facebook. Privacy “glitches,” constant changes, total lack of regard for what users want, no accountability to anyone….those are just a few of the reasons I hate Facebook. Of course I realize I’m a total hypocrite because despite these fails, I continue to use the […]
No Images to Pin? No Problem!
(I wrote this for the Socialfish blog, but reposting here) While Pinterest is a natural fit for brands whose websites contain a lot of images–like retail, fashion, food, bridal, etc–associations for the most part probably don’t fit that bill. Most association websites are almost exclusively text, and many are none too pretty either…sorry, but, truth. […]
Why “Social Media Centers of Excellence” Are Not Excellent for Customers
I have Verizon internet (and TV, and phone) at home. For the past six months or more, we’ve been having issues with the internet dropping…but only intermittently. Every day, for part of the day, it works–but every day, for parts of the day, it doesn’t. Annoying, especially when you’re trying to work and your kids […]