Have you spent all weekend wondering why your email inbox was full of notifications from Facebook groups? Notifications you swear you had previously turned off, but now seem to have been re-activated? Well, you’re not alone, and you’re not imagining things–Facebook did indeed just do one of their famous “we let you control your experience […]
Think You Have Control Over Your Company’s Linkedin Group? Think Again
Photo by somegeekintn on Flickr The fact that depending on free services to house your organization’s online community is a risky business is something I’ve blogged about before. Like when Facebook just decided to remove the Discussions feature from pages, so if discussions happened to be a valuable asset to either your org or your members, you […]
Buh-Bye Daily Deals
Photo by Shlomi Fish on Flickr Last week when TechCrunch tied what sounds like Plum District’s eminent demise to “changes in the hyperlocal deals market,” I wondered if the issue was actually about daily deals in general rather than hyperlocal deals. But now Groupon’s second quarter earnings are in and they are, as Slate says, “dismal”, and […]
How to Manage Social Employees, Social Media at Events, and Car Talk
Whew, this summer has been way too busy for my liking. This is the first summer I think basically ever where I have no summer vacation planned, and I have to say it’s kind of depressing. Before I feel too sorry for myself, I will say that I’m taking some staycation time next week, but […]
Why Facebook Can’t be Trusted to Care About Kids’ Safety
I haven’t yet written about Facebook’s recent announcement that they are developing technology that would allow children younger than 13 years old to use the site under parental supervision. I’ve been thinking about it, though, and what a joke it is that anyone is depending on Facebook to look out for the interests of kids, and […]
Please Don’t do a Facebook Contest Without Educating Yourself First
Over the past year I’ve seen more and more small businesses using Facebook to promote their products and services. Because, as everyone knows, Facebook is magic and all you need to do is set up a page and BAM–sales start pouring in, right? Sigh. I won’t even go there, but honestly, in one regard I […]
Facebook Fails are Mounting
Despite the media frenzy over Facebook’s impending IPO, all isn’t 100% rosy for Facebook. Two things I’ve recently read highlight what I consider to be pretty big fails on Facebook’s part, and, were I considering investing in Facebook (which I never in a million years would do), would give me pause: Social Readers are collapsing. Wow, “frictionless […]
Why Facebook Timeline Will Continue to be Bad For Brands
What–Facebook Timeline hasn’t performed as well for brands as Facebook led them to believe it would? Say it isn’t so! I am not at all surprised–here’s why: Timeline is a UI nightmare. Where the hell are you supposed to look? With so much emphasis on images, pages take forever to load. There are two columns–except […]
5 Cool Pinterest Tools
Source: thisisblythe.com via Maggie on Pinterest After an initial honeymoon period with Pinterest where I used it strictly for fun, pinning pictures of English cottages, bee stuff, and all manner of cute things like Blythe dolls, tiny things, and…sorry…got distracted there looking up those boards to link. Anyway, after my initial honeymoon period where I […]
Facebook Timeline For Pages: It Is Not That Serious
If the past few weeks in the blogosphere have been a blur of the word “Pinterest,” the next few will undoubtedly be the same thing–except instead of posts about Pinterest you’ll be drowning in posts about Facebook Timeline for Pages. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing–there are a lot of useful posts out there already–precise […]