Thoughts about whether bloggers feel less inspired to create these days now that blogging seems all about numbers and not so much about thoughts and words.
Search Results for: facebook hate
The Washington Post Ombudsman’s Parting Suggestion? No More Anonymous Comments
As a daily subscriber to the Washington Post , a former guest blogger for the Post, and a community manager, I was very interested in the number one suggestion outlined in Patrick Pexton’s farewell column. Pexton was ombudsman for the Post for the past two years–a position that, to me, has a lot in common […]
Five Apps I’m Loving….Or At Least Trying
I hate winter. I basically don’t go outside when it’s cold, which makes for a lot of indoor time for me between about November and April each year. Besides going to a lot of movies, I tend to spend a lot of time at home during winter months either reading, watching TV or movies and, […]
What’s Worth Paying Dues For…And What’s Not
As someone who recently dropped her ASAE membership, I found Joe Rominiecki’s post asking “Who Pays Your Dues?” to be timely. I didn’t leave ASAE because of any ill-will or gripe with the association; quite the contrary, I was actually enjoying my role as volunteer leader on the Power of A Awards judging committee and […]
Community Un-Managing: Cheat Sheet for Community Managers and Tips for Companies
As I wrote in my last post, I recently left my position managing social media and online community for a large professional association. In the process of disconnecting myself from the organization’s various social media accounts, it occurred to me that I haven’t seen a lot–or anything–written about how to leave a community management position. […]
Fun Fall Times
It’s been way too long since I’ve written anything and I miss it. At the same time, I just feel that I’ve totally lost my way with basically all things online. I’ve been waiting for it to pass, but so far, it still hasn’t. I don’t know if it’s just because it’s crazy busy season […]
Why “Social Media Centers of Excellence” Are Not Excellent for Customers
I have Verizon internet (and TV, and phone) at home. For the past six months or more, we’ve been having issues with the internet dropping…but only intermittently. Every day, for part of the day, it works–but every day, for parts of the day, it doesn’t. Annoying, especially when you’re trying to work and your kids […]
Ashley Judd & Misogyny–I Call BS
Warning: rant that has nothing to do with social media ahead. If you’re on Facebook (and who isn’t?–my hat’s off to you if you’re not) you’ve probably seen about a billion women posting “you go girl!” type of comments about this piece written by Ashely Judd in which she “slaps the media in the face” […]
So You Think You Want to be a Community Manager?
Even though this article is recent, the fact that community management is one of the hottest jobs around isn’t news–after all, 2010 was the “Year of the Community Manager” and the past few years have been all about talking about the hottest job around–community manager (aka social media manager or about a dozen other titles). […]
5 Predictions; 5 Resolutions
What would December be without the obligatory predictions post? Or, for that matter, the new year’s resolution post? I’m kicking it FIO style and combining the two into one post. Predictions: Hiring for community and social media managers will continue to rise. And confusion about the differences between the roles will persist. Burnout and disillusionment […]