Remember my last post about Klout and privacy issues? Thanks to the fact that my friend Tonia Ries is a rockstar, the story got picked up by the New York Times, so I will now be able to go down in history–much to my mother’s chagrin–as the mom who helped her 13 year old lie […]
Search Results for: facebook hate
Why the Nerd in me Knows Ads Will Ruin Twitter
After a week-long vacation and self-imposed break from all things online, I admit this time my return to Twitter was a bit more reluctant than it has been after previous, shorter breaks. In years past, the idea of not checking Twitter for any length of time seemed much harder for some reason. I’m not sure […]
Streamed Out
Google+. Spotify. Google Music. Branchout. BeKnown. Pinterest. Seriously–how much time is one person supposed to have for online socializing? I am officially tapped out. It was bad enough when it was just Facebook and Twitter–both my own personal accounts and the accounts I manage professionally. Oh, and Linkedin. Now I’m supposed to find time to […]
Why I Won’t be Visiting Intel’s Museum of Me
Intel is getting a ton of buzz for its “Museum of Me” app. I’ve read many oohs and ahhs about it, and even that Intel is “changing advertising” with it. Sounds cool, right? I finally relented after seeing the tweet about it changing advertising and went to check it out. The first step of the […]
Association Vendors: Are You Delivering WOW Through Service?
Every company wants to be Zappos these days, because “Delivering WOW Through Service” sells product. Service matters these days, because more and more companies are realizing that people who get great service talk about the company that provided the great service. Also influencers matter–those people who talk a lot, and talk to people likely to […]
Three Reasons I Already Don’t Like Jumo
Lots of buzz about Jumo recently–the new social network whose mission is (ostensibly, at least) “We connect individuals and organizations working to change the world.” Why am I so bitter about Jumo already, you ask? Three reasons: 1) You must have a Facebook account to use it. Seriously? What if all you want to do […]
Associations and Community Management Are Like PB&J
Whenever I read articles like this one about Community Managers for brands, I admit it–I say a little prayer of thanks that I work for an association. Why? Because being a community manager for a brand seems like much harder work than managing a pre-existing community. Talk about low-hanging fruit: associations already ARE communities. Take […]
Charlene Li Says My Job Shouldn’t Exist
I don’t know if anyone has noticed but I haven’t been posting much lately. First I was away at ASAE’s Great Ideas conference, where I presented a fun session with Lynn Morton “Choose Your Own Social Media Adventure” and participated in Maddie Grant’s fun fishbowl session about social media managers. Not to mention attended some […]
If I Were Mayor of Dunkin’ Donuts…Oh Wait, I Am
Lots of buzz about Foursquare lately–in the association world, the marketing/social media worlds–and of course, my personal world, as my friend/co-worker Janet and I battle it out daily for mayorship of ASHA’s National office. Meanwhile, on other, not totally unrelated fronts, Dunkin’ Donuts is investing significant amounts of money and time into social media marketing. […]
Your Social Media Failure is Not Because Social Networks Are Too Crowded
I read this article yesterday and am still shaking my head about it today. The article’s premise–“Governments Tweet, Few Care”–is based in part on one guy’s opinion that government is boring and people only seek excitement and entertainment on social networks. The article goes on to state that this guy “does not use social-networking sites.” […]