Everyone knows being a social media manager is the funnest job in the world, right? I mean, what’s NOT to like about being paid to be on Facebook and Twitter all day? If that’s true why am I spending more and more time thinking maybe getting into this line of work was a terrible idea […]
Archives for April 2011
Upcoming Facebook Page Commenting Changes
Facebook recently gave Page admins some cool tools and abilities. So of course, just as Big Brother giveth, he also taketh away….and apparently Facebook is getting ready to take something potentially major away from Page admins: the ability to disable the comment feature on Pages. Apparently, in the next few weeks Facebook will be announcing […]
WTF is Social CRM?
I admit it–I’m totally drinking the social CRM Kool-Aid. Sure, plenty of people see it as the latest in the never-ending series of buzz words or “hot topics.” But as someone who has spent the last 3 years “doing” social media and buried in data, to me, social CRM means being able to provide a […]
Did You Know Online Community is a Priority for ASAE? Neither Did I
I’ve spent the past day and a half at ASAE’s Future Leaders conference. On one hand, it’s been great–I’ve learned some leadership stuff (I’m an “i”–who knew?), met some cool people, and gotten to hang out with my friend Lauren Wolfe. On the other, it’s made me wonder how, when almost 10% of kids today […]
One Simple Request to Brands on Facebook and Twitter
You know the stupidest thing a brand or business can possibly tell consumers? “Find Us On Facebook.” Honestly–have they ever used Facebook? Do they know how shitty Facebook’s search functionality is? It’s basically the worst search ever…wait, unless you count Twitter, which is truly the worst search ever. So guess what? When brands say “Follow us on Twitter” […]