By now, you’ve undoubtedly read about the fact that Facebook is using us all as lab rats. Shocker, right? That’s just Facebook for you, just one more “oops” in the never-ending parade of privacy breaches. But esteemed scientific professional societies know better, right? Well, sadly, it appears that, at least in this case, they do […]
Archives for June 2014
My Cyber Awakening
As I mentioned in my last post, I recently started a new job, a large part of which is covering tech and cybersecurity issues. After five years of obsessively focusing on social media and community management, it’s an interesting change and fun to be learning so much. At the same time, though, it’s kind of […]
3 Reasons Why Content Marketing Doesn’t Work for Associations
On Tuesday, Ray van Hilst and I presented at ASAE’s Marketing, Membership and Communications Conference–it was fun (as far as public speaking gigs go) and great to see so many association friends. If you want to see our five quick tips for improving your website in five minutes, you’re in luck–here’s the link to our presentation. […]
The Dark Side of Social Media
Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve blogged here. I guess it’s no wonder, with so much going on in my non-blog life. My daughter graduated from high school (yikes). I took her to Atlantis to celebrate, which was awesome. I got *another* cat. And a new job. I now work mostly from home and […]