This morning when I logged onto Facebook (yes, still trying to break the habit), several friends were talking about Facebook forcing users to install Facebook messenger. Then I noticed the message from Facebook that soon they’ll be deleting access to Facebook messages from the mobile app, as all mobile messages will be going through their […]
Archives for July 2014
Social Media Sharing Gone Wrong–The White House is Compromising Users’ Privacy
If people were outraged about Facebook’s ethics violation when they conducted psychological experiments on unsuspecting and unconsenting users, I imagine they’ll be equally unhappy to learn about a new, persistent tracking tool that’s being used to spy on users of millions websites. Aside from this Mashable post and a Forbes article, though, I’m not seeing […]
What Online Communities Can Learn About Events from DashCon
If you read this blog, you already know I’m kind of obsessed with the topic of online community, particularly where associations and online communities intersect. I’ve written before about how online communities present a real threat to associations because they allow people to connect around a common industry or interest without all the governance stuff, […]
Are Groups Next on LinkedIn’s Chopping Block?
Last week, I blogged about the Facebook research thing (btw, PNAS has since published an “Expression of Concern” about the fact that they chose to publish the study). Since LinkedIn enabled publishing on their platform, I’ve been curious to see if it offers any value to users as opposed to just benefiting LinkedIn. While I […]