I am trying to keep my love of Pinterest alive despite the ridiculously overwhelming influx of marketing hype about it–really, I am. But it’s getting increasingly hard, as just about every other tweet, blog post, and/or email I see contains the word “Pinterest.” Seriously? Just because it’s driving traffic to women’s magazines does not mean […]
So You Think You Want to be a Community Manager?
Even though this article is recent, the fact that community management is one of the hottest jobs around isn’t news–after all, 2010 was the “Year of the Community Manager” and the past few years have been all about talking about the hottest job around–community manager (aka social media manager or about a dozen other titles). […]
Pinterest Can Monetize My Links All They Want
The big news of the week is that Pinterest is apparently monetizing links without disclosing the practice to users. I was going to write a post about why I’m ok with that, but Allison at BlogWorld already wrote basically the exact thing I was going to write so I’ll save myself the trouble and just […]
Why Having Staff Be Facebook Emissaries Is a Bad Idea
Lately I’ve been seeing social media pros suggesting that, in light of recent changes to Facebook’s algorithm, organizations start focusing less on Facebook Pages and more on having staff members use their own Facebook profiles to promote the organization’s agenda. Call me cranky, but I think this is a terrible idea. The rationale behind this […]
Google+ Pages: My First Impressions
Earlier today Google made a big to-do about announcing that the ability to create Pages had launched. Then they took it back and said that the functionality was “coming soon” for everyone, and only available now to select few. Then later they announced, no, really, Pages are live for everyone. Talk about an annoying beginning. […]
Employers are Liking and Hiring Social Media Workers–Except Associations
Yesterday I spoke at Digital East about the challenges and opportunities of association social media. A lot of the information I presented came from ASAE’s new report, Benchmarking in Association Management: Social Media. I still need to post my slides (not that they’ll be super useful to anyone, as I went all Slide:ology and only […]
Biggest Mistake My Ass–and Other Facebook News
I know I already blogged about this, but I couldn’t help but smart when I saw this headline about the Biggest Facebook posting mistake you can make. (With all due respect to Brian Carter, who I know and like, and who happens to be super smart in all things Facebook…but I remain unconvinced about the […]
Do the Benefits of Using a 3rd Party API to Post to Facebook Outweigh the Cons?
Photo by katerha I keep reading posts about how you shouldn’t post to Facebook using a 3rd party APIs because it kills your EdgeRank. Supposedly Facebook penalizes 3rd party APIs’ EdgeRank (the “secret sauce” that determines how often your Page’s updates show up in users’ news feeds) and collapses 3rd party API updates. While I’m […]
Is Sharing Trending Towards Private, and What Does That Mean for Social Business?
Today I participated in interACT!, a virtual conference about cross-channel marketing. I was impressed with the content of the few sessions I watched live, although I was puzzled to see such an inactive Twitter stream from what I presume were marketers at least somewhat dedicated to social media marketing. A few of my takeaways from […]
My New Obsession: Pinterest
Practically every day I hear about a new social networking site. Most of them I just ignore, or do a cursory try just to see what all the hype is about. But seriously–there are only so many hours in a day and, as I’ve blogged before, I’m well past the point of burnout as far […]