Ah…Google Plus (or is it Google+?…let the list of confusing things about it begin). It was supposed to be the Facebook killer that we Facebook haters had waited for. When that didn’t happen and Facebook thrived, it was supposed to be a lot of things: great for SEO, the new “killer app” as far as […]
The State of Social Media in Membership Marketing
Each year, Marketing General puts out a Membership Marketing Benchmarking Report. And of course, each year I read the report from the social media/community management lens. Here are some social media highlights I pulled out of the 2013 report: One of the top challenges cited by associations is difficulty attracting/maintaining younger members 74% of responding […]
Just Say No To Useless Hashtags. Please
There’s no escaping it now, sadly–hashtags are even more of a thing than they used to be, now that Facebook starting supporting them. I personally was hoping that hashtags would start to disappear, or at least be left to teens sharing Throwback Thursday photos (ok, I admit I, too, am guilty of occasional Throwback Thursday photos). Sadly, […]
Is it Time for Foursquare to Die?
It’s been almost three years since I wrote about “Foursquare fatigue“…..yet I confess I’m still using Foursquare just as much as ever. Why? I honestly have no idea. Habit, I suppose. Competition with my husband over which of us will be mayor of the places we frequent together. Vain hope that one of these years […]
Could Pinterest’s Rich Pins Help Your Organization Sell Products?
If your organization has members who use Pinterest (i.e. females) and sells products via an online store, you might want to look into Pinterest’s new feature, Rich Pins. Rich Pins allow businesses to include real time pricing, availability, and information about where to buy the item pictured. There are three types of rich pins right now: […]
Could Facebook be the Answer to Conference Wifi?
Wifi at conferences is becoming a huge issue: attendees can’t do without it but event organizers struggle to find budget to pay the exorbitant fees venues charge for it. What’s an organization to do to prevent lack of free wifi from becoming a deal breaker for attendees? Could it be possible that Facebook could be the solution […]
Pins of the Week: New Twitter Chat Tool, Cheat Sheets…and a Cocktail
It’s been a busy few months of un/self-employment, which is an oxymoron–aren’t unemployed people supposed to have oodles of free time to do whatever they want? I have managed to squeeze in a few trips and a few weekday movie matinees (my favorite guilty pleasure in life) but, believe it or not, I’ve been too […]
How a $7 Facebook Promoted Post Can Help You Find a Job
About five weeks ago, I quit my job–the ultimate “never do this” move. Why? Because crying out of frustration every day about a job happens to fall into my “life is too short” category and I decided I was entitled to a one-time exception to the “never quit a job without having a new one” […]
Saddest Example of Parent/Teen Social Media Disconnect
I have to preface this post by saying that I do not, in any way, mean any disrespect to the parents of Michelle Miller, a 17 year-old girl in my community who was murdered over the weekend. As the mother of a 16 year-old girl, my heart goes out to them and I cannot fathom […]
3 Reasons Images Just Became a Lot More Important to Your Content Strategy
Several recent big events in the digital space have confirmed the importance of images as part of a content strategy.