Last weekend I was setting up a Facebook page for my pre-teen niece (and a corresponding one for her dad so he can monitor how she’s using it). It occurred to me as I was trying to dredge up from memory various pieces of what I consider to be necessary information about Facebook that, just […]
Search Results for: facebook hate
Facebook 50–Proof That Metrics Are Misguided
So I just saw this tweet Naturally I clicked the link; I’m always interested when social media is “proof” of anything. has come up with a ranking of companies based on their social media engagment. How are they defining “engagement”? According to ZDNet, this is how BigMoney explained the selection process: Companies had to […]
The Facebook Free Ride is Over
Remember Facebook–the free platform you can use to post whatever you want, in whatever format you want, for free? Remember all the limitless possibilities for engagement it promised brands? Yeah, well stick a fork in that memory because it’s done; Big Brother Facebook just announced some new rules that require you to get their approval […]
Buh-Bye Google+
So my Oscar predictions didn’t quite turn out to be on-point, but apparently my post prophesying Google+’s demise back in August has turned out to be on the money: Google+ is being relegated to the Google graveyard. Not like you had to be psychic to see that one coming, though, so I can’t pat myself on […]
Are We Supposed to Be Surprised that Google+ is Failing?
Ah…Google Plus (or is it Google+?…let the list of confusing things about it begin). It was supposed to be the Facebook killer that we Facebook haters had waited for. When that didn’t happen and Facebook thrived, it was supposed to be a lot of things: great for SEO, the new “killer app” as far as […]
Why I’m not Giddy Over Google+
If you’re a geek, you already know what Google+ is. If you’re not, this seems like a decent primer (I admit I just Googled it and picked the first link, so apologies if that’s actually a flawed or otherwise not great explanation. After all, it’s July 4th.) Basically, it’s supposed to be Google’s version of […]
When it’s been so long that you can’t even think of a title
Holy moly it’s been a long time since I’ve posted anything here. Or anywhere else, really, for that matter. In case the world in general didn’t already feel surreal and weird and depressing enough, logging into WordPress and discovering that it’s been so long since I blogged that there’s a whole new interface here on […]
Update on me. Or why adulting with mental illness is hard as hell
First of all, hi. Hope your summer was good. I’ll be honest–mine was hard. I’ve been ruminating over how much to share here for a few months…which is basically why I’ve stopped blogging, I guess. I’ve written about mental health stigma before, and about how much better teens and young adults are at talking openly […]
Mental Health Stigma When You’re Not a Celebrity or a Teen
Mental health has had a banner few weeks in the news and across the internet–at least when the news centers around celebrities or teens. Sinead O’Connor and Justin Bieber made headlines about their battles with depression and mental illness and Diply applauded a list of celebrities who have shared their struggles with mental illness. Two teens were lauded for […]
Twitter Spring Cleaning and Privacy Check
Now that I’m re-addicted to Twitter–for better or for worse–I started noticing that even though I follow a lot of people, I never happen to see any tweets from them unless I search. It occurred to me to check my settings, vaguely recalling they’ve changed their algorithm (now that I Google it I see it […]