So my husband subscribes to CEO Update, the most expensive old-school publication ever, which I find entertaining specifically for its old-schoolness. It arrives in all its black and white, mimeographed-looking glory each month, full of association news and association executive job postings. This month’s issue, though, was a bit of a head-scratcher for me, though, […]
Search Results for: facebook hate
Does Association Community Management Need Its Own Association?
What could be more meta than a conference for community managers to talk about community management? How about an association conference for association community managers to talk about managing association communities? Ok, sorry–I’m in post-conference stupor after my first-ever SFPE annual conference (Society of Fire Protection Engineers) and also still thinking about the Higher Logic Super […]
Digital Cleanup Plan for a Fresh New Year
Here we are again at the end of another year. While this year has been a great one in some ways, overall I can’t say I’m sad to say goodbye to 2014. Suffice it to say that it will go down in my personal history as the year I learned some sad truths about people […]
Is Removing Blog Comments The New Black?
Over the past few months, I’ve started noticing, if not a trend, a sort-of trend: blogs shutting down comments. While I’m sure there have been many other instances of this happening, the first I really noticed was Popular Science last September. The move was controversial and got them a ton of coverage in both the […]
2013 By the Numbers for Mizz Information
Happy new year! February will mark the six year anniversary of Mizz Information….which is both hard for me to believe and not so hard to believe, because it kind of feels like I’ve been doing this blog forever. Harder still to believe that before Mizz Information, I was already blogging for five years…..that’s a LOT […]
Will Google’s Version of Sponsored Stories be The End of Google+?
The other morning I was reading the Washington Post (yes, I subscribe to and read the paper almost every day) and noticed the headline “Google will put users into online ads.” Hm. Apparently Google plans to go the way of Facebook’s “sponsored stories,” putting users’ comments and photos into online ads for products and services […]
LinkedIn is Great…But Not as Your Community Platform
I know this topic has been discussed to death, particularly in the association community, but I just can’t help weighing in again after seeing it come up yet again in the ASAE LinkedIn group. The topic? Killing a private community in favor of using public social media platforms–in this particular case, LinkedIn groups. If you […]
Hello Chromebook
If you don’t already know this about me, I’m hell on electronic things. My husband calls me “magnet fingers” because I break everything electronic–phones, remote controls and, especially, computers. I can’t even tell you how many computers I’ve gone through in the past five years–probably five? In 2010 I thought I had the answer–Mac, of […]
Guest Posts on Mizz Information?
Ever since I added a contact form to my website, I’ve started getting inquiries about whether or not I accept guest posts. I don’t know whether to be flattered or just confused–I guess both. If they actually read this blog they’d know that I blog because I love writing–period. Not for money–I tried that. Luckily […]
Pins of the Week: New Twitter Chat Tool, Cheat Sheets…and a Cocktail
It’s been a busy few months of un/self-employment, which is an oxymoron–aren’t unemployed people supposed to have oodles of free time to do whatever they want? I have managed to squeeze in a few trips and a few weekday movie matinees (my favorite guilty pleasure in life) but, believe it or not, I’ve been too […]