Last week was an abnormally social one for me, which turned out to be a good thing. I caught up with old friends and spent time with new ones and pushed myself outside my comfort zone…my comfort zone being go to work, go home, stay home. Nothing wrong with that but you don’t really tend […]
Twitter Spring Cleaning and Privacy Check
Now that I’m re-addicted to Twitter–for better or for worse–I started noticing that even though I follow a lot of people, I never happen to see any tweets from them unless I search. It occurred to me to check my settings, vaguely recalling they’ve changed their algorithm (now that I Google it I see it […]
The future of journalism is…copying association publishing
If you’ve been following the Community Brands saga, you already know that the association tech space is currently attracting the interest–and dollars–of private equity investors. If you follow Twitter, you might already be aware of another trend that could prove to be either an opportunity or a death knell for associations: the future of journalism and […]
LinkedIn Groups: What you Need to Know Now
If you read this blog, you know I tend to be sort of a glass-half-empty kind of gal. I prefer to think of myself as a realist rather than a pessimist, but hey–someone has to be the downer, right? 🙂 But with regard to LinkedIn–specifically, LinkedIn groups–I’ve been chronicling them being stripped of features and […]
The Community Brands Deal is Great for Vendors; Associations, Not So Much
If you work in the association sector, you’ve probably heard the buzz about the consolidation of three major players in the AMS (for those not in association-world that’s Association Management Software…basically CRM for associations) space: YourMembership (YM), Abila and Aptify “joining forces” under a new “family of brands”:Â Community Brands. I’m using all the quotes to […]