If you’ve read this blog for a while, you know I used to be kind of obsessed with Facebook’s privacy fails. I frequently wrote posts detailing every one of Facebook’s “oops” pretend privacy slips (sorry for all the links–I’ll digress but I’m not exaggerating when I say I was obsessed). Then, just as Facebook wanted […]
Three Things Associations Can Be Doing with Pinterest
If you read this blog (or follow me on Pinterest), you know I’m obsessed with Pinterest. OBSESSED. It’s my equivalent of paging through a billion different magazines, cookbooks (which I never actually do) and idea boards, and being able to save everything that attracts my eye for possible future reference. I use it as my […]
The Chicken and Egg Problem of Nonprofit Social Media Measurement
My new job is forcing me to confront my arithmophobia/dyscalculia (I’m not sure which it actually is–basically any kind of numbers or math freaks me out) as well as my loathing of Excel and I admit it’s almost pleasurable. Maybe I’ve been too hasty totally dismissing numbers from my life for so long. I’m reading […]
Pins of the Week: Google Analytics Help, Olivia Pope Style…and a Cocktail
I don’t know if you’ve missed pins of the week, but I have. Before I get to my favorite pins, though, some news you’ll want to pay attention to if you run contests on Pinterest. Today Pinterest posted a clarification to its “acceptable use guidelines” to spell out what’s ok and not ok when it […]
Teens Aren’t the Only Bullies
Another week, another heartbreaking story about a teen who took her life because of bullying. I read this stuff and honestly don’t know what to think. How is the world so broken that it’s considered fine for a 14 year-old girl to post on Facebook “’Yes, I bullied Rebecca and she killed herself but I […]
Will Google’s Version of Sponsored Stories be The End of Google+?
The other morning I was reading the Washington Post (yes, I subscribe to and read the paper almost every day) and noticed the headline “Google will put users into online ads.” Hm. Apparently Google plans to go the way of Facebook’s “sponsored stories,” putting users’ comments and photos into online ads for products and services […]
LinkedIn is Great…But Not as Your Community Platform
I know this topic has been discussed to death, particularly in the association community, but I just can’t help weighing in again after seeing it come up yet again in the ASAE LinkedIn group. The topic? Killing a private community in favor of using public social media platforms–in this particular case, LinkedIn groups. If you […]
10 Best Practices for Association Social Media
Last week, I presented at an Association Trends event about association social media. It was fun to talk about my favorite subject and especially fun to be part of a panel facilitated by Maddie Grant with association social media directors Susannah Murley, Chad Davis and Curtiss Midkiff. The presentation is on Slideshare in case you can’t […]
Running Facebook Contests Just Got a Lot Easier
Congratulations, former Facebook promotions rule-breakers–it’s now officially ok to break those rules. Actually, you won’t even have to–Facebook has changed those pesky Promotions Guidelines and made it easier to run and administer contests. Gone are the third party app requirements and restrictions on using the like or comment features as entry mechanisms–businesses can now run promotions […]
What You Need to Know About Facebook’s News Feed Changes
(This post originally appeared on Socialfish) Facebook page admins take note: just when you thought you’d figured out Facebook’s EdgeRank algorithm, they’ve changed the game and the way News Feed works. That’s the good news, because I’m sorry but anything that requires multiple infographics to explain it is just wrong. However, as Facebook flips back and forth […]