My eyes are bleeding from all the posts about Facebook’s drop in organic reach (yes, I know, I, too, am guilty about having written about it). People seem shocked that Facebook would do something as crass and uncaring as charging people to reach their audiences, when we’ve been getting that lunch for free until now. […]
Archives for March 2014
LinkedIn Products & Services Tab Disappearing April 14
My eyes are bleeding from all the posts about Facebook’s drop in organic reach (yes, I know, I, too, am guilty about having written about it). People seem shocked that Facebook would do something as crass and uncaring as charging people to reach their audiences, when we’ve been getting that lunch for free until now. […]
Book Review: The Circle
Do you ever feel like you’re the last one to read a book that people have been recommending for ages, then you finally read it and you’re mad at yourself for not reading it sooner? That’s how I feel about The Circle by Dave Eggers. Friends at the Community Roundtable recommended it a few months […]
What’s Your Post-Facebook Social Media Strategy?
People have been saying it for a while, and this week voices seem to be getting louder about it: it’s only a matter of time until Facebook is pay-to-play only. First this, then this, now this….I won’t take up your whole day, but I could probably keep adding links talking about Facebook’s declining organic reach […]
Pew on Millennials: Bad News for Associations
Based on the results of a new Pew Research study, Millennials in Adulthood: Detached from Institutions, Networked with Friends, bad times are coming for associations. Four out of six takeaways from the study seem pretty not-great for associations: Millennials have fewer attachments to traditional political and religious institutions. Could easily translate to including traditional professional […]
Online Community Spurs Inter-Association Collaboration
Perusing Twitter yesterday, I happened to see an SLP (speech-language pathologist) tweet a link to this ASHA Leader article. It’s a great article about a grassroots movement among SLPs and other healthcare practitioners to figure out a way to reduce stress on clinicians and foster patient-centered care in long term care facilities. It’s also a […]
Using Online Community to Increase Member Retention
For the past few days I’ve been in Orlando at ASAE’s Great Ideas conference. I love this conference because it’s small and the content is good and it’s not all about the expo hall (as much as I love me some expo hall). Also, it’s sunny and warm here and not a snowflake in sight, […]
LinkedIn’s New Publishing Platform–What’s in it For Users?
Yesterday when I logged onto LinkedIn, I noticed that I’d been granted access to the new publishing feature. Of course I was curious so I reposted a post from this blog using their platform and clicked “publish” and waited for some kind of magic to happen. As I’m sure you can imagine, it didn’t. A […]
Is it Just me or has Twitter Jumped the Shark?
If you know me, you know I used to be a Twitter devotee. And if you follow me on Twitter, you also know, not so much in the past year. Sure, I still use it on a daily basis, but much less than I used to use it. Apparently, I’m not the only one with […]