Welcome to the first-ever guest post on Mizz Information! As a small-staff association marketing and communications professional, there is so much I need to learn, so and I figured as I look to experts to find answers to questions I have, why not share their expertise with Mizz Information readers? Email marketing is one of […]
Spring Fever and Changing it up on Mizz Information
Even I can hardly complain about this past winter because, aside from the 25″ of snow that one time, it wasn’t too bad, even by a winter-hater’s standards. Regardless, I’m glad it’s over and the world is filled with cherry blossoms and other signs of spring. This year has brought a lot of changes for […]
Term Limits are Good for Association Volunteers. Why not for Staff?
So, my diatribe about Medium and how bloggers shouldn’t fall into the trap of believing that individual blogs are worthless and we should, instead of writing on sites we control, write–for free– for sites that make other people millions apparently piqued my curiosity about what writing on Medium was actually like. So I wrote a […]
Will You Be at #Tech15 Next Week?
It’s that time of year again…no, not the holidays, but time for the ASAE Technology Conference & Expo. I’m excited to to heading there to see all my association friends, and of course, to be part of two awesome panels: Disruptive Innovations in Education Technology alters how we engage with what we are learning, how we […]
Does Association Community Management Need Its Own Association?
What could be more meta than a conference for community managers to talk about community management? How about an association conference for association community managers to talk about managing association communities? Ok, sorry–I’m in post-conference stupor after my first-ever SFPE annual conference (Society of Fire Protection Engineers) and also still thinking about the Higher Logic Super […]
Tips for Handling Graphic Design When You’re Not a Designer
A few months ago, Beth Brodovsky, a long-time Twitter friend made via trusty #assnchat, invited me to join her for her podcast Driving Participation to chat about the challenges of being a communications pro at a small staff association. To me, one of the biggest challenges of wearing all hats communications/marketing/web/social media/editorial is graphic design. It’s like “one […]
Association Community Management Palooza
It occurs to me every now and then that I have terrible timing for some things in life, mostly because patience is not one of my strong points. Career-wise, it’s been occurring to me a lot this past year, as I’ve watched the association community management space blossom….about three years after I left it. […]
Blogging from the Higher Logic Super Forum
Even though community management is just a small part of my responsibilities as Communications & PR manager for a small staff association (SFPE, the Society of Fire Protection Engineers), if you read this blog you know I’ve always been and will probably always be passionate about community management. Especially in the context of associations, I […]
LinkedIn Groups’ Job Tab: No Longer Optional
It’s been a few weeks since I posted about the then-upcoming changes to LinkedIn Groups that are likely to have a profound impact on associations who use LinkedIn as the platform for their member community. Since then, some of the changes have been rolled out: the promotions tab is gone from one of the groups I […]
10 Things Associations Need to Know About Upcoming Changes to LinkedIn Groups
Remember when we were talking about LinkedIn removing the groups feature? Ok, make that “remember when I was wildly speculating about LinkedIn removing the groups feature?” Well, while I wasn’t entirely right—groups aren’t being totally eliminated—apparently it wasn’t all wild speculation or paranoia on my part, as today when I logged into one of the […]