Whew, it’s been a busy few weeks. At the beginning of October, I had the pleasure of finally going to (or at least *near*) Boston for the first time in my (long) life to present about social media analytics at NESAE’s Technology Conference. It’s a topic that I think is really important for associations, yet also […]
LinkedIn Drops Ability to Connect Via Groups
A few months ago I wrote that it would not surprise me at all if LinkedIn dropped the groups feature. Now it appears that they’ve dropped one of the big attractions of groups for many people: the ability to connect with people via groups you’re in together. As this post describes, a big plus of […]
5 Trends Impacting Association Social Media in 2014
Even though I’m not working in the association space right now, I still have strong emotional ties to the association world and am happy when I have a chance to step back into that world. Last Friday I had one of those chances, moderating a panel about association social media at an Association Trends Live […]
Are The Signs Pointing to Google+’s Demise?
As much as I liked the concept of Google+ (or is it Google Plus? There still seems to be no consensus), I can’t say I’ve used it a ton. When it launched three years ago, I was among the many who had high hopes for the platform, wishing it would replace Facebook. When that didn’t […]
Tired of Shutterstock Photos? 5 New Sources to Try
Is it just me, or are you, too, seeing the same old stock graphics at every turn online these days? Now that I’m writing and reading more in the technology and cybersecurity spaces, I’m noticing that there is a huge dearth of images to illustrate the explosion of content. All too often, posts about big […]
What You Need to Know Before You Install Facebook’s Messenger App
This morning when I logged onto Facebook (yes, still trying to break the habit), several friends were talking about Facebook forcing users to install Facebook messenger. Then I noticed the message from Facebook that soon they’ll be deleting access to Facebook messages from the mobile app, as all mobile messages will be going through their […]
Social Media Sharing Gone Wrong–The White House is Compromising Users’ Privacy
If people were outraged about Facebook’s ethics violation when they conducted psychological experiments on unsuspecting and unconsenting users, I imagine they’ll be equally unhappy to learn about a new, persistent tracking tool that’s being used to spy on users of millions websites. Aside from this Mashable post and a Forbes article, though, I’m not seeing […]
Are Groups Next on LinkedIn’s Chopping Block?
Last week, I blogged about the Facebook research thing (btw, PNAS has since published an “Expression of Concern” about the fact that they chose to publish the study). Since LinkedIn enabled publishing on their platform, I’ve been curious to see if it offers any value to users as opposed to just benefiting LinkedIn. While I […]
Who’s Responsible for the Facebook Research Scandal? An Association Journal
By now, you’ve undoubtedly read about the fact that Facebook is using us all as lab rats. Shocker, right? That’s just Facebook for you, just one more “oops” in the never-ending parade of privacy breaches. But esteemed scientific professional societies know better, right? Well, sadly, it appears that, at least in this case, they do […]
The Dark Side of Social Media
Wow, it’s been a while since I’ve blogged here. I guess it’s no wonder, with so much going on in my non-blog life. My daughter graduated from high school (yikes). I took her to Atlantis to celebrate, which was awesome. I got *another* cat. And a new job. I now work mostly from home and […]