Look out, Facebook–Pinterest has launched paid ads. And I bet you a billion dollars they’re going to kick Facebook ads’ collective ass. Why? According to the AdAge article above, “Pinterest’s head of partnerships Joanne Bradford explained that the company is taking a “consultative approach” to ad selling, which means working closely with brands to help […]
Why Foursquare Should Just Call it Quits Now
Since when is the answer to a lagging product multiplying the crappiness and thinking that somehow twice as much of what already isn’t working will somehow do better? Apparently since now, based on reports this week of Foursquare splitting into two apps. It’s been almost a year since I’ve written about Foursquare, and even then […]
LinkedIn Cuts More Free Features
Are LinkedIn groups or company pages part of your organization’s social media strategy? If so, you should be aware that LinkedIn seems to be slowly but surely phasing out a lot of free features in what appears to be a move towards less free lunch/more monetization. Not surprising after their recently reported weak revenue outlook. […]
LinkedIn Products & Services Tab Disappearing April 14
My eyes are bleeding from all the posts about Facebook’s drop in organic reach (yes, I know, I, too, am guilty about having written about it). People seem shocked that Facebook would do something as crass and uncaring as charging people to reach their audiences, when we’ve been getting that lunch for free until now. […]
LinkedIn Products & Services Tab Disappearing April 14
My eyes are bleeding from all the posts about Facebook’s drop in organic reach (yes, I know, I, too, am guilty about having written about it). People seem shocked that Facebook would do something as crass and uncaring as charging people to reach their audiences, when we’ve been getting that lunch for free until now. […]
What’s Your Post-Facebook Social Media Strategy?
People have been saying it for a while, and this week voices seem to be getting louder about it: it’s only a matter of time until Facebook is pay-to-play only. First this, then this, now this….I won’t take up your whole day, but I could probably keep adding links talking about Facebook’s declining organic reach […]
LinkedIn’s New Publishing Platform–What’s in it For Users?
Yesterday when I logged onto LinkedIn, I noticed that I’d been granted access to the new publishing feature. Of course I was curious so I reposted a post from this blog using their platform and clicked “publish” and waited for some kind of magic to happen. As I’m sure you can imagine, it didn’t. A […]
Is it Just me or has Twitter Jumped the Shark?
If you know me, you know I used to be a Twitter devotee. And if you follow me on Twitter, you also know, not so much in the past year. Sure, I still use it on a daily basis, but much less than I used to use it. Apparently, I’m not the only one with […]
How to Create a Pinterest Place Board for An Event
If you know me, you know I’m obsessed with Pinterest. Also with social media and associations. So when they announced Place Pins at the end of November, of course the first thing I thought was “this could be cool for an association’s annual conference.” Then the holidays came and went, and I didn’t have time […]
Donations Through Facebook? I’d Think Twice About That
Big news yesterday: Facebook announced their new Donate feature. You know, because Facebook cares tons about nonprofits, right? Historically, Facebook hasn’t given a crap about nonprofits. I’ve been managing Facebook pages for associations and nonprofits for over five years now and I can tell you that Facebook could not care less about helping nonprofits. Are […]